Pairing: Draco/Ginny
Summary: Sometimes, we don't really know the people we thought we loved.
Rating: PG
Author's Note: I was archiving some snippets of fic on my LJ when I came across this and I thought it ought to be archived here.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
"Look, Draco, it's just..." She was fumbling for words, words that she might even understand. "I've always been meant for Harry," she said instead.
Draco's face fell as though it had been held up some sort of invisible force that fled at her declaration. "I thought I loved you."
She was shaking now. "Did you?"
"No - how could I have? You're not the person I thought you were."