Mar 28, 2005 10:45
wow, what a weekend! so on saturday i went with the about face crew to springfield IL, hometown of one abe lincoln to participate in a youth summit. i got to help plan it a little bit, very fun, and the whole point was to organize the queer youth of downstate IL (AKA republican land). now, all my non-IL peeps know of the land of lincoln as a bastion of blue in the redness of the midwest. the thing is, thats because of chicago and to a lesser extent the burbs around us. the rest of the state tends to be very red, very bible, and very lacking on the gay youth support.
so, last year, it was noted that there are 3 youth summits held in chicago a year. granted theyre "state-wide" its not really accessable to the kids down south, who REALLY need the information given but its too far to travel. so, the downstate summit was born! we're doing the lords work, as my boss's mom says =)
on a gray and cold saturday morning, my boss is in the car with the afyt kids TWO BLOCKS from my house, when her tire blows out!! long story short, after 3 hours of attempted fixes and dead ends, we get the car to a tire shop and hit the road. we got there, did our thing and recieved a warm welcome by the downstate kiddos. all in all, a success if i do say so myself. =)
yesterday was work at good ol ann sather. it had been far too long, i missed being in that crazy environment. i worked by booty off from 10-6 then headed over to my aunts house for the annual family easter feast. there was meat in copious amounts, so i stuck to the deserts and some spinach dip. =/
now, its monday morning and i feel worn out, sore, and downright sleepy. its looking to be a long and busy week, so i am def gonna hit the sack early tonight. that is, after i was those dishes, do laundry, burn cds....