Mar 22, 2005 15:59
so WOW. what a week. so much has been happening its hard to keep up. the fundraiser work at the hothouse is plugging along. i am finally thankful for my total lack of an actual job. before i lamented sitting at a desk having to pretend to do work when i was dying to go do some freedom fighting. now, i can acutally do work at work, AND be a freedom fighter. i probably spent 2 hours working on about face stuff and 5 on my TSP.
hehehehe. the universe was conspiring all along. if i was placed at a site where i actually did work, lord knows how i would get all this stuff done!
so, theres this friend of mine jermaine. long story short, he has feelings. i kinda thought i did, but in that way that i lose them whenever the other person isnt around or i am not in the mood. i have a tendency to do that. we talked about it over and over and were friends now. but hes all demanding and clingly wanting moreandmoreandmore friendship. i dont have the time or mental energy for that. just venting.
so, wierdness of last night. i am watching chicago tonight on pbs, and theyre talking about some new study that shows college kids are having sex more than before, yadda yadda. did ythey really need a study to tell them that?
so they have two college kids on, i am half paying attention, and i hear a sorta distant but familiar voice... i look at the screen, and its none other than paris schultz! we went to high school together and had freshman english together and were in the musical together that same year. we were never really that close, just aquaintences in the way that fades after the first year. i had the hugest crush on him though, and he was cute as ever. he was talking about girls though, so i guess thats a no-go. lol.
needless to say it was funny cause the 5 year reuinon is in 2 weeks and its been popping up in my head quite a bit. i am a super different person than i was back then. i wonder who else can say the same. my goals are to
A) talk to/hang out with someone i never spoke to before
B) smoke/drink with someone i havent before
C) find out whos gay now and hit on the one i like =)
so yea, i dreamt about it last night. it was funny cause it was the reunion, but a kegger like in the old high school days. i felt awkward there though, so thats not too promising. then it did all those wierd things that dreams do where people were floating on the ceiling and the venue kept radically changing.
we shall see what the 9th has in store. stay tuned!
i am beginning to get worried about this whole eagle rock thing. well, not so much worried, but anxious. its like, my life for the next year will hinge on how i present myself, and how i am percieved at this interview thursday morning. the best i can do is be honest. ive really found its the best course of action. hell, that was my application for them. i didnt really answer their essay questions, but just spoke from my heart about why i wanted to apply and what i wanted to get outta it. it felt half assed, but i got the interview. morrison didnt even get that and she spent weeks getting her app together. =/
that sucks though. they did offer her an interview for a diff position. i hope she goes for it. its not exactly what she 3wanted, so shes torn. i want her to do whats best for her, but i know deep inside i want her to go for it. it would be the hotness to be in CO together =)