Wow... almost!

Jan 11, 2006 12:38

Head count of everyone who was at my last performance, during which I played 3 of my original songs:
  • my wonderful parents
  • James (who didn’t even really know me yet then - but look how that worked out for this goal!)
  • the entire Leibovitz family (5 of them + 5 friends)
  • 2 close friends of my family
  • 4 local close friends
  • my boss/mentor/dear friend & his family
  • 2 of my favorite professors - also close friends
  • my choral director
  • loved ones who were in the cast and crew of the show
    - oldest friend (plus her husband, 2 children, and parents)
    - 1 dear friend from grad school
    - 2 close music colleague friends
    - 3 more good friends from grad school
    - 1 friend from college
    - 21 new friends who came into my life through the show
Not to mention the rest of the wonderful audience, the Nova Singers (many of whom sang in the show), and quite a few very enthusiastic supporters from my university. That’s a lot of loved ones in one performing arts center - just missing some key peeps from out of town, but thankfully we will have a DVD of the show soon to share with them. Can’t speak for all in terms of having “them love it,” but between the positive feedback and what the above loved ones have told me in person, I think it’s safe to check this goal off!

See more progress on: play my music for all my loved ones at once and have them love it

shows, authenticity, humanity, performance, music, singing, sharing, self-expression, piano, 43 things, songs

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