Oct 23, 2008 15:51
I haven't written in this in a while, I know. There's not a whole hell of a lot to talk about that I can think of. I'm still working. Melissa is still teaching. Katie is still growing and playing. She had a bad cold recently and is in the process of getting over it. Very unpleasant.
My brother Jack's little girl seems to be doing okay. She is being handled very carefully but has not had too many setbacks. There was a little trouble with a breathing apparatus being too strong for her little lungs, so they put her on something gentler and she did so well they talked of putting her back on the stronger machine soon. My mom has returned to New York, leaving poor Jack alone in his home while his wife and daughter are up in Indianapolis. I tried calling him on his home phone number last night, but I guess he was out spending time with them or something.
Melissa has gone through Katie's old premie clothes to send out to them. Ceilidh won't need any of it for a few more weeks, but it will hopefully help a lot when she does get that big. We know how hard it can be, having to constantly buy new clothes as the baby swells up.
Katie is saying more and more things. She has quite mastered use of the word "please", using it any time we deny her what she wants. If she grunts about wanting something, I ask her "what do you want?" hoping that she'll tell me since I don't know. Instead I get "pwease" and have to guess at what she's talking about. I've even managed to train her to take her binky out when saying it instead of trying to talk around it. It's nice to come home at night and have her wave to me and say "hi". I only wish that I could get home earlier to see more of her during the week. On average, I see about an hour of her a day on work days. 15-30 minutes in the morning before I have to make my train, and then 15-30 minutes in the evening from when I come home to when she is put to bed. I don't want to compromise her health by letting her stay up later just so I can see more of her. I try to make up for it on weekends.