First, a quick plug for our new affiliate
disneytheme -- it's a Disney icontest with regular challenges as well as a wide variety of special challenges. Check it out!
Second, before we start the tournament, I need your opinion on two issues.
(1) Single or double elimination?
I'm considering doing a double elimination tournament, which is basically where all participants have to lose twice in order to be out for good. You can read how it works
here. The pros are that people get to stay in the competition longer but the cons are that the competition will take longer (I'm estimating about 2 rounds longer, but without knowing how many participants and how many three-people matches I'll make, I can't really say for sure).
(2) Technical themes?
Last round, I had it that people picked four caps they wanted to use. Would people be interested in having the option to choose technical themes (e.g. black & white, close crop, blending, etc.) as well? For example, you can fill each of your challenges with either a cap or a technical requirement. The pros are more variety and a change from last round. The cons are that it might be unbalanced and give the challenger a bit of an edge.
Let me know what your opinion is:
Poll Tournament Poll