Fishing Game on Pigg

Jun 10, 2010 16:17

The Beginner's Lucky Set is much easier to use than the normal one, the rings (the bull's eye) are much bigger!
Different baits will get you different fishes, more expensive bait = better fish. The rod will determine the difficulty of fishing or the size of the rings, more expensive rod = bigger rings. (But rare fishes will have smaller rings by default.)

Ameba Pigg opened 2 new areas yesterday along with a new fishing game! Follow this guide to start fishing!! ^^


Open [おでかけ]  odekake.


Choose one of the new areas 日本海 Sea of Japan or 小笠原 Ogasawara.


On your first visit, you'll get a guide in Japanese, and you can click on the button to get your fishing equipments.


You'll get 2 sets of fishing rod and bait, one is the normal one (can be used 9999 times), and the other is the Beginner's Lucky set (can be used 20 times).
Choose whichever you like, you can switch later.

The fishing rod and bait you are using right now will be shown in the small window.


Move to stand on the panel with a bucket.  You'll see 2 options.
Click on なげる nageru to start fishing.

Click on やめる yameru or つりを終了 tsuri wo shuryou on the upper right corner to stop fishing.


Once you've got a bite, a button will appear that says つる!tsuru!
Click it to start a mini-game.


You'll see something like this.
The pink bar is the time, it'll start counting down after the game starts.
The blue bar is the HP of the fish.
You have to press and hold the button 押す!on the right.
A white ring will start closing into the middle.

Release the button when the white ring gets inside (gets smaller than) this area shown in the picture.
The smaller you can get the white ring to be, or the closer to the bull's eye before you release the button, the more damage it'll do to the fish.

A tricky thing: the fish is moving around while you do this. If it's close to the center, the white ring will close in slowly, if the fish is far from the center, the white ring will move very fast!!


You'll get  グッド GOOD ナイス NICE or グレイト GREAT if you release the button in the right time.

But if you release too early or too late, you'll get  バッド BAD, and the fish's HP will recover!!


If you manage to take down the fish's HP to 0 in the limited time, you'll get the fish.

Otherwise, the fish'll escape! But don't cry~ you'll get some fishing points anyway for trying. xD


You can see this window after you've caught the fish. Even if it escaped, you can still see this, but the picture will be a silhouette. You know, just to show you what you've missed, lol.

1. A message congrats, sometimes a hint.
2. Name of the fish.
3. Size of the fish.
4. How rare the fish was.
5. Fishing points gained.
6. Check the osakana techou, your fishing record.
7. Current fishing points.
8. Close window.
9. A NEW mark if this is the first time you've caught this type of fish.
10. A crown mark for king size.
11. Picture of the fish.
12. Close window.
13. Post this info to your ameblo.


You can click on your own or another pigg's bucket to see the 10 lastest catches.
The  おさかな手帳 osakana techou keeps record of all your catches.
It can be accessed through the profile of a pigg or their bucket.

The おさかな手帳 osakana techou shows each type of fish you've caught, the biggest size of every type, and the date on which you've caught them.
When your collection gets bigger, you'll get bonus fishing points and items.


With fishing points you can buy better fishing rods, baits, decorations for your room and clothes etc.

Have fun!!!
I haven't caught anything myself's tricky! >< lol

ameba pigg

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