How you can help the 2008 WB slam team

Jun 20, 2008 09:35


As you know the Writers' Block Poetry Night is sending its EIGHTH team of poets to the National Poetry Slam this year.  Over the years we have sent awesome teams composed of awesome poets, a number of whom have gone on to great things.  This year's team - Donielle Monique, Joanna Schroeder, Gina Blaurock and myself - are headed to Madison, Wisconsin in August, bearing with them the grand tradition of the WB and of Columbus' poetry culture to the national stage.

It costs a lot of money to send a team to Nationals, and with gas being what it is and the event being a day longer than in past years, our budget is substantial...right around the $2000 mark.  We have almost always hit our team mark with the help of our audience and supporters.  We have never received a grant to cover costs for poets to any event.  We are proud to say that our many adventures into the land of poetry slams have been supported by a strong and caring community of art lovers.

Help our team this year by donating online in any amount, as many times as you can bear.  Or you can donate to a specific poet.  We have links for each!

Check us out at the WB site's "commisary":

Thank you so much for your time and attention.  We'll do you proud.

Scott Woods
Co-founder - Writers' Block Poetry Night
President - Poetry Slam, Inc.

fundraisers, donations

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