Jul 26, 2010 10:53
Maybe it's because of the way my morning started. I woke up at about 7 or 7:30 when the emergency alarm sounded on my floor. I looked out the door to see what was going on, and saw the red light on over the apartment at the opposite end of the hall. Fortunately, it was a false alarm; the woman who lives there had managed to pull the alarm cord in her bathroom by mistake. She and her son, of course, paid no attention to the alarm itself until after I pounded on their door (although it's deafening, and I would think impossible to ignore). I was trying to decide whether I should call 911 when the son finally appeared to find out why I was bothering them. Their neighbor from across the hall didn't completely ignore the alarm: he came out, saw it was an apartment alarm instead of a fire, and proceeded to take the elevator downstairs to put an envelope in the mail slot. He met me in the hallway, and told me calmly where the alarm was coming from, with no apparent recognition that some action might be called for. He has some cognitive issues, so I guess that's some excuse, but really, this kind of thing leaves me very annoyed.
I guess I've been fairly productive since then: I put away clean dishes (the miracle is that there WERE clean dishes to be put away); sorted laundry, read the paper, did a crossword puzzle, looked at e-mail and Facebook, had breakfast, and entered some books and a book review into LibraryThing. I ordered a couple more camera accessories yesterday, and they've been shipped already, so that was another piece of good news. Now I need to figure out how to calm down to take a rest. I was hoping that doing an entry here would help, but I probably should have chosen another topic to start with if I wanted to end up feeling sleepy. I think I'll go do some stretching.
human nature,
darwin awards