I've created a support community here on LJ for my site,
Pens and Pages .
pens_and_pages It's a place to post general announcements, questions, requests and (as my friend Aly suggested) plot bunnies that need someone to nurture them.
Today was a rough one at work with my gimpy wing. When I was at the hospital getting examined, the doctor offered me a work excuse good through this Wednesday, but I refused. I didn't think I was hurt all that bad, and I hate missing work. Now I wish I would have taken her up on that offer. Sitting at home all weekend doing nothing was one thing - I really didn't have that much pain in the arm. But today? After a few hours at my desk I was in a fair bit of pain. After lunch - despite taking my lovely souped-up ibuprofen - I wanted my arm to just fall off. Let this be a lesson to me - when a doctor offers a time-off-work excuse, TAKE IT even if you feel fine!