Halloween stories e-mail
Sent to
marahsk, Drew Mathers, Jon Titchenal
beckett_grey, Caleb Wesley
hypharse, Jean-Francois Quintal (Hellminister), Jonathan Zuchowsky (Cybercorbeau), Neil J. Lane, James Ware
Sent September 28, 2002
I wrote these a while ago, and plan to read one of them at Twilight Tales on Monday night. (7:30 PM Monday nights at the Red Lion Inn, 2446 N. Lincoln Avenue, that being about Lincoln/ Fullerton/ Halsted, I think, across from the Biograph Theatre. In Chicago, yes.). More info at
http://www.twilighttales.com These are basically the same story told two different ways. The deadline for submitting to the next anthology, "Spooks" is on October 2, and I'm not sure which version I like better, or if I should edit one or both yet again. I was hoping maybe you would have time to read and/or vote :)
Halloween's Dark Portal was written first, and it seems like it needs a new title, but nothing has popped into my head yet. The Pirate's Crystal was written maybe a month later, when I thought maybe I wasn't entirely comfortable with the first version. But when I went back to look at the first story, it still sort of creeped me out more than the second, so it has me sort of torn.