What could be better for snapping me out of a crappy few weeks but my favorite British comedian with fantastic makeup (and a fantastic gun) and brilliant fashion sense?
When he says he's going to talk about everything that's ever happened in the whole world (with a couple of gaps), he means it. Dinosaurs writing poetry. Charles Dickens (Darwin) writing a book called "Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, You." Old McDonald's chicken with a trumpet wedged on his beak so he can only play jazz tunes. Jesus and his twenty-five siblings (Aesus, Besus, Cesus, Desus...). Reading (or not) terms and conditions on anything. Henry VIII and early paparazzi. And everything else that was absolutely hilarious and I feel bad for not remembering.
After the show, I heard some people saying they were disappointed because he wasn't wearing women's clothes and the makeup was understated. I had the same thought for the first couple seconds he was on stage, but decided really quickly that I liked the jeans and a tailcoat look too - even if it didn't have the same oh-my-god factor as
the outfit from his last (Sexie) tour...
Overall a great preformance that makes me want a DVD player coded for Region 2 so I can get it on DVD sooner (okay, I've wanted one of those for a while, but this makes me want it even more)...