The Thomson intern in Tulsa who helps me with the WIC database commented on my Facebook status, where I said the Jeopardy online test was on like Donkey Kong and asked if I had just quoted a commercial (Manning brothers/Williams sisters, Oreos). And anyone who actually spends time with me in person knows I'm not above that...
For Mom,
teaandcows: "She can't have her! I love her!" "Weeping...weeping..."
soccerfreak56: "You know what pandas have for lunch. They have bamboo."
And so on.
In other news, my Aunt Shauna/Bella sent Steve and me belated wedding money, which in all sincerity was really nice of her and Lance. But it's been hard not to make a couple of jokes. So the interest of keeping it clean, thanks to them and the girls and the truckers for their generosity. And no, it's not all in singles or something.
And Kira reminded me that today is Wave Day, so Happy Wave Day to all my SAS S'05 shipmates. Happy 4th anniversary of having your life flash before your eyes ;P
And there were truffles in Adoption Law. Mmm...truffles...