It's probably unfortunate that the highlight of today will undoubtedly be taking the Jeopardy online test tonight. I'm interested to see how it goes - I think I once tried the one that they attached to the old PC game and I don't think I did that well. But I was also like thirteen, so let's see what another eleven-odd years does.
In other positive news, Steve no longer has the stomach flu and I am no longer in excruciating lower back pain, which was the state of the world over the weekend. We were a barrel of fun. The question is did I just really crank something in my back or is it Jasmine's fault. Hard to tell. The upshot of that is I'm not sure exactly how prepared I am to argue the finer points of the Ohio Putative Father Registry in Adoption Law in an hour. Oh well.
Thank goodness for
ladyofshadow's post, because otherwise I would have totally forgotten that yesterday was the beginning of Chinese New Year, which may not be super relevant, but I like to be aware. So xin nian kuai le and all that jazz. Next year in China again, right? One can dream.
And John Updike up and died on us all of the sudden. WTF? Having only made it through Rabbit, Run rather unenthusiastically, I can't say I'm a huge fan or anything. But I recognize his importance in American literature, so I can be a tad bummed anyway.