The Battle with Meg (group)

Sep 19, 2008 09:41

Ok, I'm anal and I wanted it up. We can edit more if needed...

It had been a phone call from Bobby that told Dean about the job along the coast. A warehouse down by the water where multiple demons gathered. A few workers had been killed in horrible accidents, one involving a fork lift. And of course, the reports include a young woman with red and black stripped hair. Ben had almost growled and demanded that they hunt the bitch down. And now they were pulling up in front of the warehouse and Ben was rocking in the front seat, looking like he had a score to settle.

Dean watched Ben and he had a really bad feeling about this. There was something about this that just wasn't sitting right with him, and he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to get to the bottom of it by the time they got to where they were going. At least they had the Colt this time, giving them a bit of a leg up that they didn't have the last time around, but that still wasn't helping that bad feeling any. This was all getting to be a bit too convenient, and things with demons were never supposed to be convenient.

Alec was in the back seat with Jinx's head resting in his lap not liking this at all. He didn't think he was ready for a hunt. And revenge did ugly things to the Winchesters. He didn't think Ben was ready for a hunt either, but there was no talking to him. Not even to mention that he was afraid that he was the only one that remembered that this girl was just a victim. And that Lindsey would kill to protect her.

When the car stopped, Ben pulled out his own gun and checked the clip. "So how do we want to do this?"

"I don't know," Dean sighed, reaching his hand into his jacket pocket and feeling the heavy weight of the Colt resting there. "We don't have enough information -- I don't want to run into this without knowing a way out."

"I'll do recon." It was an offer and Alec was best suited for it. "And could everyone please fucking remember that this little red head is a person?"

"Yeah, we know Alec. Demon bitch in a pure sweet innocent little wrapper. The bullets are salt in mine." Ben made to get out of the car.

Dean didn't respond to that, just got out of the car and glanced around looking to see if there was anything that might provide him with more information than he already had. He had a good feeling that he really wasn't going to find any.

Alec slipped out of the car. "And if we hurt her Lindsey will tear us apart." This was more than an urge to protect. It was survival instinct. "I fucking hate places like this. "

"Then we just take him out too. He's a demon after all," Ben stated.

"Yeah, but if he hates Meg as much as we do he could be an asset before he's a problem," Dean said with a sigh. "Let's just play it cool, alright?"

Alec grit his teeth. There was no point in pointing out that he didn't think Lindsey would allow then to do that to him. Or that he wouldn't let them either. Not unless it was Lindsey or his brother and father.

"Fine." Ben's eyes went to Dean's pocket a moment before looking to scout the place. "So, case the place?"

"Yeah," Dean said with a nod. "Just so we know what we're getting into."

Alec swallowed and fell back into mission mindset. "I'll go left. Meet on the far side." It was barely a question.

Using Ben's powers, Meg told her demons about Alec's path, planning an interruption to keep him apart from her and Dean. She also sent a few to come meet them on the other side. Once Alec was out of earshot,

Ben looked at Dean as they scouted. "If we find her, I want to kill her."

Dean looked back over at Ben and swallowed slightly. "We'll see how things play out. We may not have to kill her. We may just be able to send the bitch back to hell where she belongs."

Alec and Jinx slipped out of sight. They weren't just quiet, they both moved like the predators they were. Alec wanted away from Ben. Before he did something regrettable. Ben was a fucking loose cannon but maybe Dean had a shot at containing him with out Alec there to rile him up.

"We send her back, she'll just come back again. We need to kill her, Dad."

"Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean we need to sacrifice the person she's possessing," Dean said, giving Ben a look. "They have a life too, ya know."

Ben turned to his father. "that didn't stop you before. Why should it matter now? One human dead means how many others wouldn't suffer and die because of her?"

"That was when I didn't have any other choice," Dean replied. "And it doesn't mean I like doing it. See them all as demons, and you'll become just like them."

Alec slipped through the shadows noting doors and windows and anything else that might be useful, until Jinx forced his way in front of him, hackles raised, lip curled back from his fangs. The dog could smell the threat even before Alec.

The demons sprang out at Alec first, aiming to take him down quickly. They had been told that the one who could kill the boy would be Meg's right hand man, and they planned on getting that position.

Alec grinned and worked off some aggression. He wouldn't kill though and that made things harder. Jinx has savaged the shit out of one of his attackers but the man looked up at him with clear eyes that were clearly his own. And as Alec watched Jinx laid into someone else pulling something black from the would with his teeth. It writhed a screamed in the hounds grip.

More and more demons came out of the wood-works at Alec, and then there was the sound of gunfire and two demons were knocked to the ground as Sam Winchester stood there, holding a shotgun with one hand. A ball of magic landed on the ground on the other side, knocking more of the demons down as Lindsey appeared on the other side, his eyes black. "Looks like we're in time for the party," Sam smirked.

Alec grinned back. For once they were on the same page. Then he sobered and sunk his fingers into Jinx's fur and scratching to tell him good job. "Dean's on the other side. and Ben isn't coming at this with a clear head."

"He's alone with Dean? Fuck." Sam asked. Instantly he was connecting with Ruby telepathically, telling her the situation as she was on her way to find her friend to help. Lindsey looked at Alec, his eyes back to blue.

"That's not Ben. We have to get to them."

"What a cluster fuck." With is something Sam might have heard from John when something went really south on them. He took off back the way he'd come, not bothering with the Ordinary act, just covered ground.

Sam and Lindsey were right on his heels.

Meanwhile on the other side of the warehouse, Ben looked at Dean and a smile grew on his face. "Funny you should mention that." Lifting a hand, Ben tossed Dean against the wall as she felt her demons attacking Alec on the other side of the warehouse. She also could feel Sam there, so she was going to have to move quickly. A few demons came out to back Meg up as she walked around Dean wearing the skin of his son.

Dean wanted to laugh. He wanted to laugh so fucking hard because of course, of course Meg was right there under his nose. That was her M.O., after all, and Dean should have been paying better attention. But he wasn't, and now it was all coming back to bite him in the ass -- just like usual. Because again. Dean Winchester couldn't do a damn thing right. "You dirty little bitch -- if you thought I was that fun to wear you should have possessed me all those years ago."

Ben/Meg laughed as she walked over to where Dean was pinned, reaching into his pocket for the Colt. "I don't like wearing dirty clothes, Dean. Plus, your baby boy is just so much more fun."

He tried kicking. He tried screaming. He tried forcing her off him as best he could, but he knew that there was no way he was going to keep her from getting that gun. Instead, his face just went cold, eyes staring back at her with nothing but hate, completely empty, not letting her have the pleasure of having him beg. "You're not gonna get away with this. Someone's gonna stop you."

Meg smiled, looking at the Colt carefully. "You know what I remember, Dean? I remember how much trouble this gun caused. And you killed my father with it, even when he was so nice enough to give you your life back. So now, I'm the powerful one here, working on my own little generation of special children. And Ben? Ben's my new little king. You aren't special like Sam, but you made this perfect little set of genes that I'm going to use to take down your brother's empire. But first, I think I'm due some old fashioned revenge." Ben's face matched Dean's cold look as Meg lifted the gun to aim at Dean. "Say hello to your father for me."

"Tell Sam I gave him permission to get you the fuck out of my kid," Dean replied, meeting her eyes and not even blinking, just like he'd done when her father had possessed his father. Funny the way things come full circle -- except this really wasn't all that funny. He stared right down the opposite end of the barrel of the gun, and just smirked, encouraging her, if anything. "C'mon, Meg. I'm -long- overdue."

If they listened carefully, they could hear the sounds of footsteps heading towards them. Ruby had gotten Sam's message, alright, and she and Amy were hot on Meg's heels, trying to catch up with Meg, before she did something like, oh, I don't know -- kill Dean Winchester? She made her way around the corner and when she spotted the stand-off between the two of them, she turned back to Amy with a glare. "Any time now, Sparkles."

Amy just shot Ruby a glare before electricity started to spark from her fingers and concentrate the power in the palm of her hand. "Sorry about this, Ben," she muttered, before releasing the arcs from her fingers and sending them in the direction of the possessed Winchester holding the gun.

Alec made it around the corner in time to see the light show. Anna, electricity. Mental note not to piss the girl off. He pulled up short because he knew exactly what a charge like that would do to him. It would drop him like a rock and keep him scrambled for at least an hour. He knew that dance.

The finger on the Colt was ready to fire, so when the electricity hit Meg, the muscles contracted and fired. But the aim was off, so nothing vital would get hit. It also threw off Meg's concentration as she fell to the ground. "What are you waiting for? Get them!" she shouted to the demons, who started after Amy and Ruby. Ben's hand reached for the gun, but a burst of magic stopped her hand as Alec, Sam and Lindsey also arrived.

"Dean," Sam growled, skidding down to his brother to check him over. The demons between her and the rest of them, Meg got up and took off running into the warehouse.

Dean really, really hated getting shot. As in, he was cursing and muttering under his breath, and he could feel his shoulder bleeding -- ironically, it was the opposite shoulder that she had shot him in last time, but at least this time he didn't take a swim while he was at it. When he hit the ground he turned to survey the damage, his good hand coming up to block the wound slightly, and shooting a glare at Sam when he came over to help her. "I'm fine, Sam. Go get that goddamn bitch out of my goddamn kid."

Ruby pulled out her knife, slashing her way through the demons in front of her and cutting her way through Meg's demons -- possibly some of Sam's demons too -- to the front of the pack to where Dean and Sam were standing. "Go, Sam. We'll make sure he gets out."

Amy was a bit of a ways back, using the electricity to hold the demons while she exorcised as many as she could hold, trying to help cut down the number of demons they were dealing with.

Alec watched and took it all in. It only took my a half second to assess the situation. They were busy. He wasn't. His father was hurt, and bleeding but none of that changed the fact that this bitch still had his brother. Sam would take care of Dean. It was one of the few things that Alec felt he could trust Sam to do with out fail. He slipped among them and picked through pockets of the others taking what he felt he could use. A piece of chalk from Lindsey, a pair of cuffs from Sam, a few shot gun shells loaded with salt from Dean, no guns though. That was his brother's body.

He had given Jinx quiet instructions to find Ben. Find him but not hurt him. Alec knew what Hell hounds could do and he used it now. He turned the hound loose and took off after him, keeping up as Jinx took off at a run and flickered like a spirit.

Sam looked up at Lindsey but the demon was busy trying to help Amy and Ruby take out the rest of Meg's little crew. He also saw Alec take off after Ben, bot not taking the Colt. He reached for it. "You realize there might only be one way we can do this," Sam told him.

Dean set his jaw slightly, looking back up at his brother with worried eyes, before shifting so that he was sitting up more, almost as though he was trying to get up. "Last resort, Sam," he said through gritted teeth. "Last. Resort."

Ruby moved lower to help prop Dean up and get him off the ground. "We're gonna get him in the car and get a doctor to look him over. Let me know what goes down."

"We'll catch up with you," Lindsey took off after where Alec had gone, and Sam nodded, checking the Colt one more time before following. Alec trusted Sam, and Sam trusted Ruby. Dean was safe either way.

Dean leaned heavily on Ruby's shoulder, shooting her a dirty look as they moved towards the Impala. As they reached where Amy was standing, Dean fixed her with a look.

"You both have a shitload of explaining to do."

"Shut the hell up, Dean," Ruby just rolled her eyes, before continuing to steer him in the car as Amy sighed slightly and turned to take the man's other shoulder. It was going to be a very, very long night.

ruby, jinx, ben, meg, dean, sam, lindsey, amy, alec

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