In Which Alec and Michael Recruit an Antichrist

Mar 28, 2010 23:02

Ben leaned forward on the couch, eyes locked on the computer screen as his fingers worked the X-Box controller. Yes, there were textbooks at his feet and a legal pad on the table in front of him, but any thoughts of homework had been tossed to the wind when Jessie had come home that afternoon with the newest HALO game that they had been waiting for weeks to finally be released.

They had managed to get into a high stakes game with a team in Europe and they were currently beating the crap out of them. That was until one of the guys came up and sniped Ben in the head. "Jessie, man you're supposed to have my back here!" Ben yelled in frustration, waiting until he was respawned.

Jessie laughed, sniping always amused him no matter who was the target. "Dude, just a game, relax. We got this."

"Well, I happen to get very involved in my video games. And like you can talk. We've had to get two new Wii controllers because of you," he pointed out.

"Hey, hey, those things slip all the time, you can't blame me." Although, one of them he had actually thrown in a fit of annoyance. "Here, look, I'll take care of it."

He snuck his guy around until he got the guy who sniped Ben in his sights and took him out. Then he casually strolled up, took the sniper gun and got to work taking out the smug European guys.

"That's why there is a wrist strap, man. Prevents those little slippages." Ben happened to see one of the guys respawn right in front of him and took him out with a shot to the back of the head. "You know they are so cursing us out now."

"Nice shot buddy." Jessie held up his hand for a high five. "That's the best part. I'm telling you man, you should try World of Warcraft. It's like Halo, only with magic."

Ben slapped him five and focused back on the screen. "You mean Warcrack? Sorry, I'll pass. I rather enjoy my sex life and don't want to get caught up in something that will put it in jeopardy." He smirked at his roommate, who after they got passed the demon issues, they had actually gotten to be good friends. Things in common, not having to hide. Made it easier on both of them.

He laughed. He had settled in pretty well with this crew of mates. He wondered if maybe he could stay a lot longer than usual this time around. "Man, I've got to get me one of those. Maybe I should call the volley ball team again."

"Maybe you should actually, I dunno, go to class and get a study buddy. That's how Benji got his current 'friend'. Of course, he's also whipped now. Poor bastard." They barely saw their suite-mate anymore when he wasn't cramming for a test or she was on a girls night only day.

"Hey, I study. I'm on the freaking Dean's List." Which was in part due to his powers, but hey, he didn't need to share that. Ben had probably figured that out already anyway. The guy was smart. "And I go to class, thank you. Otherwise, I'm wasting money."

"Alright then, offer to tutor some cute girl in one of those classes, Mr. Dean's List. I'm sure you'd make a killing."

"I reserve my killing for virtual bodies only." And the occasional demon but Jessie didn't think of them as people.

"It's an expression. You really need to get away from the television more often," Ben teased with a laugh.

Alec was here as a last resort. It wasn't that this was a last ditch effort talent wise, but he knew Jessie didn't want to be involved in anyone-else's drama. And Ben wanted to be a normal college student. But dear God in Heaven they needed to find Lindsey before things got even worse. Everyone else had turned up empty. Some of the most powerful angels and demons had found nothing. Which really left only one option. He sighed and popped his ears from the pressure change between Seattle and Stanford. Then he knocked on the door, even though he knew Jessie and maybe even Ben would know that they were already standing there.

Ben felt the immediate appearance of his brother and father on the other side of the door and was up on his feet just as Alec was about to knock. Family visits didn't tend to go unannounced anymore, so he was up and planning on getting to the bottom of it before his roommate decided to flee from the archangel on the doorstep. "It always happens this way: get a good game going, and someone has to interrupt," he said in a relaxed tone as he opened the door, leaning in the doorway.

"Alec? Dad? What's wrong? You guys get lost?"

"Dude, I don't think you can get lost when you have angelic GPS." He shrugs. "This isn't saying we can't totally misplace people, though."

Ben shrugged. "Still doesn't explain why you're here without any warning." Because Ben had a very bad feeling to this visit and he was trying his best not to project that to his very fidgety roommate.

Alec bit his lip. Their father was clearly letting him do the talking. "Yeeeaahh. Well, we've got ourselves a little problem. One we could use some help on."

"What kind of problem?" He leaned in the doorway more, crossing his arms. Because obviously they were there to ask him something. The fact they might not want him but someone else wasn't even a thought in his mind.

"Lindsey's missing in a pretty major way. And we'd kinda like to find him. You know, in one piece. Him and us?" he fidgeted a little. He didn't like that Ben was setting up a barricade to a place he was normally welcome. Even if he was going to be told no, he would have thought he'd still be welcome in his brother's home. He stuck his hands in his pockets and hunched his shoulders a little, which was slightly better than he had been doing, which was to cross his arms over his stomach in something of a self hug. He was trying.

Ben normally would welcome them in but in the last few weeks since Ben had gotten to know Jessie and really become friends with his roommate, he was protective of him in a not wanting him to freak out and disappear sort of way. Especially since Jessie was the first real friend he had made in a long time that wasn't Anna or his family. It was nice having a friend. And he wasn't sure how Jessie was going to handle having an archangel in their room - even if it was Ben's father - because Ben hadn't gotten around to mentioning that tiny tidbit to Jessie.

"And I guess since Dad isn't able to find him..." It hit, and Ben looked over his shoulder at Jessie a moment before closing the door and stepping into the hallway. He shook his head. "No. Alec, you can't pull him into our shit like that. I swore to him that I wouldn't let my little demon-friendly life intrude on his."

Alec rubbed a hand over his face. "There's no one else we can ask. We've done it. Jinx and I pulled up short. Dad has, Amy has, Bela and her spirit friends have. Cas is trapped as a human, and . . ." Man that was bad. "He can't take that a whole lot longer. We need help. And Jessie is the only one left that I haven't asked."

"No." Ben shook his head. "You bring Jessie into this, every demon in creation is going to want a piece of him and they will know how to find him. And I'm pretty sure that the angels aren't going to be too happy with his existence either." He looked up at Michael and not his father at that. "I'm not going to let you guys use my friend as a pawn. There's other ways."

Michael stared at him for a moment. "We're not looking to use him as a pawn, Ben. We just want to ask for his help."

Alec grit his teeth for a second and Jinx put a paw over his face. "For starters? Did you seriously just accuse me of trying to use someone as a pawn?" He took a deep breath and rammed his temper down. "Okay. Okay. Other ways. Lay them on me. Because I seriously think Lindsey's time is gonna run out. And Cas can't take this much longer."

"Lindsey I don't give a damn about, especially if he has anything to do with me being kidnapped. Twice." Ben hasn't forgotten that Lindsey was part of the first kidnapping a long time ago, neither of which went well for him. "As for Cas... have you thought to ask God yet, seeing that you're all special friends these days?"

Michael's eyes narrowed at that question. "She can't interfere without first knowing what was done. And we won't know that until we find Lindsey. We're not asking Jessie to do anything intrusive. I just need a location. He doesn't even have to leave the room."

"Actually, I kind of do since you guys went out into the hall." Jessie appeared behind them all, leaning back against the wall and eyebrow raised. "So, when were you going to tell me you brought an angel to visit? Because, seriously, that's just as rude as bringing a hellhound around without warning me."

A few months ago he would have been pissed, but Ben had proven to be a pretty alright guy so he was willing to give the guy a chance. If there wasn't a really good explanation for what they were talking about, well then he might just have to pack up and move out.

Alec was strangely relieved to see Jessie. Because what they had been doing was basically talking about him behind his back and that had never been Alec's intent. "First," He was a little amused here and it colored his tones, "I didn't know you were allergic to hellhounds. Most people can't even figure out that's what he is, let alone need a warning. And this time I even knocked." Clearly he feels that this should earn him points. It's also pretty clear that Jessie is basically forgiven for that bad first meeting. "And actually the angel thing isn't really about you at all. More just that I can't be trusted to not like fall to my death in some possibly embarrassing way." He didn't mean to separate his father. It was more that he wasn't sure how to include him in a way that Jessie wouldn't get pissed off about.

Ben closed his eyes and turned to look at his roommate. "Jessie, meet my father." Or what's left of him. Hell, Ben didn't even know how to introduce him beyond that anymore.

"Dean Winchester," he said softly. "Or Michael. Whichever you prefer."

"Okay, well, your family's deeper into this shit than I suspected." He was kind of impressed though. Over the years, bopping from place to place he had heard about the Winchesters. They were legends among demon circles. No wonder. One of them was the Archangel Michael. Man, he sucked at this hiding thing. "So, what do you want from me? And if it's to die and never threaten Heaven with my mere existence again, yeah, not going to agree to that."

Alec blinked. "No, dude. Nothing like that. A friend of. . ." He was going to say 'of the family,' but given how Ben had acted maybe that wasn't true. "Of mine, is missing. Snatched. And who ever has him is packing enough of a wallop that we can't find him. And by we I mean Jinx and I, and I'm sure you know how good 'hounds are at finding people. Dad's struck out. And even some Fallen. You're the only person left that I know of that might be able to find him."

Yeah, it was good that Alec hadn't said friend of the family. Ben might have trusted Lindsey to heal him while he was doing the boy king bit during Sam's coma and Alec's near death experience, but after this there was no way Ben was going to let the demon anywhere near him without wanting to exorcise him. So since it was obvious he wasn't needed in this conversation he just opened the door. "If we're seriously talking about this shit, do it inside. We don't need the rest of the campus hearing us."

Michael glanced over at him, before waiting for Jessie to move ahead of him. It was clear that he didn't want an angel in his space, so he wasn't going to do so without consent from both parties.

"Uh huh." Jessie scratched at the side of his nose while he thought and strolled back into the room. The angels were coming to him for help. No matter what Alec said, he knew it was the angels who wanted the help.

He didn't usually help anyone. "So, uh, what's in it for me if I help?" he asked once everyone was in the room. "Because, I don't know if I'm the kind of guy to help you out from the goodness of my heart. You guys don't have the best history when it comes to me."

It was and it wasn't the angels asking. If they were given the choice they might just smoke the whole thing over, cut their losses, protect their prophet from whatever might come his way and have done with it. Alec wanted Lindsey back. In one piece. He owed the man that at minimum. Lindsey had looked after Alec several times when he needed it and that meant something to Alec. He gave Jessie a little shrug, unsure but game. "What do you want?" Alec didn't think Jessie was unreasonable in asking.

He shrugged. "Oh, you know, simple thing really. Just an angel to stand guard over my parents and a way to stop running from demons and angels for the rest of my life."

Jessie had been looking for that practically his whole life, as soon as his power made him a target for both sides. If he could find that, hell he'd do anything.

Alec just turns to his father. "Can you do that? At least the first?"

Ben also looked over at his father, his eyebrows raised to see if that was something he would actually offer to do.

Michael considered for a moment before nodding. "Done, at least the first part. The second ... I can put you in touch with someone, but I'm not sure something within the realm of my power is what you need. It won't help against all demons and/or angels. Bela will probably know more than I do." He paused. "Though she is a demon. I don't want you to think I've thrown you into a trap, but she is not a threat."

"I need a name, full name, and you know a picture would help." He held out a hand. "You want me to bring him here or just let you know where he is?"

"Lindsey McDonald. He's a demon. Do you want to know what the body he's wearing looks like? Or what he, the soul, looks like?"

"If you bring him here, let me know so I can leave now otherwise I might be tempted to hurt him." Ben's eyes were serious.

"Our plan is not to bring him here," Michael sighed. "We will be taking him back to Seattle."

"If you want him there, you're going to have to tell me where you want him." Jessie began to stretch, cracking his knuckles as he did completely useless warm ups.

"197 S. Gilman St. Seattle. You want a zip code?" He tried to not think about what Ben was doing.

"Nope, I've got what I need." He didn't really need much. Anti-Christ powers were very good with just a little information. He closed his eyes and held his hands out, stretching his powers out in the world to search for the demon Lindsey McDonald - a totally crappy demon name, but Jessie didn't really care about that. It didn't take him long at all. Whoever had the guy hadn't thought to block him, just like the angel said.

He wrapped his powers around the guy, tugged him away to the address in Seattle and left him there. He opened his eyes with a smirk. "Who wants to sign for the delivery?"

Alec had to look away at the wash of power and eventually actually shield his eyes. When it was done he had to blink his vision clear. "Damn."

Ben didn't see anything, but he could feel the pain from Alec's power and looked at his roommate a moment. There was a bit of awe there. But he was still too wound up in tension to express any real interest in it while company was here. "He did his end, your turn." It also meant that Michael the Angel would be gone soon and he could go off to the campus gym and find something to punch a few times to release his anger.

"There's a vessel living across the street from your parents," Michael said with a nod. "I'll see that everything is put into place. And I'll give you Bela's number, if you want it."

"No. It's been real and it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun so..." Jessie turned his powers on the angel and Alec. He sent them to the demon without any warning and without feeling guilty. Looking back at Ben he scowled a little. "Man, we need a vacation."

When they were gone, Ben let out the breath he had been holding and literally melted against the wall as the adrenaline and tension oozed away. "Welcome to my life," he muttered and looked over at Jessie. "Right now I just have an urge to find something to punch really hard."

"You know what I like to do instead? Let's go hit the waves. I can make the ocean really sweet for us." Jessie loved the water. He could surf, loved the swim and scuba dive. He couldn't go far from water or he'd be miserable.

Ben thought for a moment, then nodded. Jessie had been showing him how to surf and not kill himself, and that sounded like a healthier alternative. "Sounds like a plan. I'll study later."

Jessie snapped his board to his hand and then his spare one to his other hand. He grinned. "Let's go, buddy."

Smiling just a bit, Ben reached out for the other board. "Just don't snap your fingers to put my trunks on. I might have to hurt you then."

"I think Anna would hurt me first. That girl is fierce." But Jessie's tone was admiring. He liked Anna, had that same wandering spirit that he did. "You can take care of that yourself man."

"True. One of the reasons why I love her. Give me a second." He laughed and went into his room and changed, grateful that when it felt everyone else was slipping away from him, he at least still had his own friends at his side.

"Sap," Jessie teased, just using his powers to dress himself. He rarely did it, but the encounter with the angel left him wanting to get out on the water as fast as he could.

"Calling me a sap?" he shouted through the door as he changed. "You're the one who's chasing this girl around campus these days." He came back out, towel over his shoulder. He rarely went shirtless around his roommates but he didn't feel like putting on his skin suit this time. He was just thankful that he healed fast so most of his scars were faded or gone.

dean, ben, michael, jessie, alec

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