Where Sam and Ruby become just a bit more...

Oct 19, 2008 23:04

Ruby was perched on one of the old cars in the junkyard, watching Jinx as he sniffed around for something that he could find at least remotely interesting. She had a feeling that he was none to pleased with being evicted from the house, but there was nothing they could really do about it. Bobby wasn't comfortable, and it was his own house. That wasn't changing anytime soon. Tucking one leg under her, she watched the dog wander back and forth, and wondered, lazily, what exactly was up with her today.

She usually didn't do the whole "happy" thing. There was usually too much work to be done and no time to just kick back and joke around. But apparently Sam's X5 induced good mood was contagious, because she just really couldn't find herself to care at this point about what needed to be done -- which on some level really worried her, but on another, not so much. As far as she was concerned, she could use a vacation from being the general of Sam's army for a little bit. She just didn't want to have her letting her guard down too much. That could spell trouble for all involved and right now, trouble really wasn't what she or the boys needed.

Sam walked out, slapping his leg to get Jinx's attention. The dog perked up and trotted over, and Sam knelt down to scratch his ear. "I'd rather you be out here," he told the dog. "Alec needs to learn how to live without you constantly at his side, and this is a vulnerable area that needs guarding. However, stay out of Cheney's way. He's taught to attack demons, and I don't want either of you fighting."

Giving the dog another pet, Sam stood and walked over to Ruby. "You know, if we even needed to find a way to finance some of our work, we could just start selling Alec's blood. It's better than half the drugs out there."

Ruby arched an eyebrow at him, leaning back on her elbows as she considered the question. "Do you know how Alec feels about that particular question? I don't think he'll exactly be in favor of being some kind of mule to make us money." He'd kind of done that already. Ruby wasn't really looking to put him through all that again. Besides, dosing people with supercharged blood? That was a really easy way to get caught by people they didn't want to see. "Besides -- that can be asking for more trouble than we really need. From people of a non-demonic origin."

"It was a joke." He sat on the hood next to her, closing his eyes and letting the sun warm his face. "I wouldn't do that and you know it. Though there is a lot about him I don't understand, and I'm not sure how to ask it without him withdrawing. Anytime I start to ask, he's forthcoming with the information, but there is a bit of fear in it. His self worth is lower than even Dean's was at times."

"He's been through a lot," she said softly. "I don't know much more about it than you do, but from what I've heard from other people -- when he was growing up, he was barely even treated as human. He doesn't want to be treated that way again, but he can't say that it hasn't had an effect on him either. Dean -- it used to piss Dean off to no end that that was the way he was treated. Kind of like Alec's own personal horror show.

"I can sympathize." Sam sighed. "Though it wasn't when I was a kid. Dean and Dad tried to at least give me some kind of life. Make me feel normal as long as I was able to in this job." He was quiet a moment. "These people still exist, I take it, if he fears on being discovered."

"Not exactly in the same capacity," Ruby sighed. "This time its more the government, and some kind of weird breeding cult. They want to just slaughter all the transgenics and pretend that Manticore never existed. And at times, they were doing a damn good job of it."

"How long have you been following these kids before Dean or I even knew of them?" Sam looked at her, smirking a bit. Because she had helped bring Ben to Dean, and there was history with Alec too.

"I'm figuring this out as I go," Ruby admitted with a slow shrug. "I found out about Ben around the same time he found out the truth about Dean. Alec, on the other hand -- I picked up different bits and pieces of things. Kutner -- that doctor? He's regularly browses the conspiracy theory websites. He's how I found out a lot about Manticore. As you said, Alec won't talk about it. And I really don't blame him. But honestly, Sam -- I had no idea that Azazel had a back-up plan for the kids thing."

"Oh, I knew about that already. Azazel revealed that to me a long time ago. I was just hoping none of them would ever be activated." Sam stared ahead. He logged down the word Manticore to research on his own later. "I'll just wait and see what Alec chooses to tell me in time. Hopefully we'll have that time."

She knew that he knew there was a storm coming. Lilith's little plea for attention wasn't just a little girl throwing a temper tantrum. It was calculated. Contrived. She was hitting exactly that place for exactly that reason, but Ruby wasn't going to bring it up because she didn't know why yet, and that was a problem. So she was going to keep what she did know to herself, and hopefully things would start to lay themselves out as the time came. "You'll have time. I'm not letting either of you die anytime soon."

His far away stare just stayed. "Sometimes, you don't get to make that choice." Gone was the playful seriousness in Sam's tone, and instead there was a bit of sadness. It might be aimed at Dean, which was the thing Sam was really looking at in the far distance. Or it might be something more.

"Fate can kiss my ass," Ruby said with an eyeroll. "I'm not going to let anyone else die on you, Sam. I promise you that."

"Yeah, but what about me?" His eyes left the cross to look at her, revealing that there was something wrong, and he needed to tell her it, but wasn't sure how. She would know that look well by now.

"What about you, Sam?" she said with a frown, tilting her head to the side slightly. Yeah, she knew that look, and she had a slight inkling of what he may be talking about, but she needed him to say it. Mostly because she really didn't need for it to true, and it wouldn't be until he said it. At least as far as she was concerned.

He hesitated a moment. Then turned to look back at Dean's grave. "When push comes to shove, if I can train them right... it might be better strategically to keep them alive and let me go."

"Don't even start with that Sam." Her face hardened slightly, and she could feel her good mood flying out the window. "We're not letting you go anywhere." She'd worked too damn hard to even consider that an option.

He huffed a bit, then started to chuckle as he looked at the ground a moment, before smiling back at her. "I think that's what I love the most about you, Ruby. You're always willing to make me feel invincible, even if you have to do most of the work to make it seem that way."

"Yeah, well -- why do you think nobody screws with you?" Ruby said with a smirk. "They need to be scared of you, Sam. Otherwise? They would have challenged you for power a long time ago, and you would be belly up. I couldn't let that happen."

"But lately you do things for me without even asking. Why do you keep fighting for me?"

"It's my job, Sam," she said, not really willing to admit more than that. "I do what I have to do my job, and if that involves saving your ass every now and then, then so be it."

He moved quickly, spinning so that his hands were now on either side of her hips on the hood and he was looking directly in her eyes, searching them. Then he smirked a bit. "Thank you."

She smirked back at him, looking up and down for a moment, as though trying to figure out exactly what he was getting at. "You're welcome."

"If it wasn't for you, I don't think I'd still be rational at the moment. You've always managed to keep me grounded, no matter what has gone on for years. I don't know what I can ever do to repay you for that." It went beyond the job. It was his personal life too. Adjusting to the darkness. Losing Dean as a brother to that darkness. Dealing with the things he had to do. And now with losing Dean to his deal. How do you say thank you for all of that, especially when you're slowly coming to face your own mortality?

"You don't have to, Sam," she said softly, the smirk softening into a slight smile. "As I said -- it was my job."

He just watched her a moment, hesitant, then leaned in to kiss her gently as one hand cupped her cheek. She didn't pull away. It had been a while since anyone had kissed her, to be perfectly honest -- at least in the way that Sam was -- and she was also a bit in shock. But she didn't pull away either, and that was the more important thing at the moment. Her eyes closed after a minute, and she started to kiss him back, not moving her hands from where they were supporting her weight, but not exactly being unresponsive, either.

He held her close for a bit, then finally separated and rest his forehead against her shoulder. Part of him was surprised that he had done that... and there was a part that had wanted to for years but kept himself from admitting it. It was a complication. "Ruby," he said softly. "I'm dying."

Her eyes stayed closed, and she let him remain close, letting him have whatever contact he needed. She knew what he meant -- all he had had to do was say it. But now that it was said, she wished she hadn't heard it. "We'll fix it, Sam. We'll figure it out."

Sam kept his head on her shoulder, his eyes closed. "We can't tell the boys. They are too fragile right now to handle this." He sighed. "I feel so good right now. I haven't felt this good in years. Decades. But I know that the pain is just waiting to come crashing back. And I'm scared. I don't want to die, not yet."

"You won't die," she sighed. She was pretty much firm on that one -- even if she had to go through drastic measures to do it. "Maybe we could talk to Kutner -- see if modern medicine actually has something that can help." She was pretty sure that Kutner was capable of keeping his mouth shut, and he cared about the boys. He would do what he could to help.

"I was going to try and see him the next time we were in Seattle. I've talked to a few people - specialists and psychics - and no one has any answers on what to do so far."

"We'll figure it out," she said softly. "Don't worry about it -- as I said, I'm not letting you die anytime soon."

His hand snuck around her waist gently, keeping her close as he just let his head rest there. He wasn't looking for anything more than just this at the moment. "I know you won't. Otherwise you'll walk into hell and drag me back out," he said, chuckling a bit and smiling.

"Damn straight," she nodded, closing her eyes after a minute and letting him have whatever closeness he needed. This was his moment, not hers.

He just stayed like that for awhile, then he carefully leaned his head back and looked into her eyes before gently kissing her again. She kissed him back, pushing her weight off one hand for a minute, before letting the other hand come up and cup the side of his face lightly. She shouldn't be letting herself do this, yet she was doing it anyway. And more importantly, she really didn't care.

Sam this time didn't back down, but instead leaned closer, intensifying the kiss as his hand pulled her body closer. Ruby let him deepen the kiss, leaning back slightly to get a better angle, and moving her hand to his shoulder, letting her fingers curl into his shirt slightly.

And as she let him keep going, he just got lost more and more in the sensations that he hadn't felt for a long time. Hadn't let himself feel. And now that he was actually feeling more like himself than he had, he wanted to take advantage of it. His body was reacting to it, and he managed to wedge her legs apart to stand between them, getting her against him just that much more.

She groaned slightly into the kiss as she felt him press against her. She let him take her weight, moving her other hand up to his arm gripping it tightly, feeling the slightly heady rush of being kissed flow through her system.

He pulled back a moment, getting a few breaths as he looked at her, but his eyes weren't confused this time, or needy. They were determined, like he was trying to figure out where he was going to strike next. And that only lasted for a few seconds before he came at her again, his hand grabbing the back of her head roughly as he really kissed her, almost invading her as he pushed her down on the hood of the car, his body pressing down on top of her as his free hand guided one of her legs around his hips.

She arched slightly against him when her back hit the metal of the car, leaning into the kiss the best she could and closing her eyes to enjoy every inch of it. She could feel the hunger in the kiss and she wasn't sure if it was the X5 blood, Sam himself, or a combination of the two, but she wasn't going to push it much. This was well worth it, no matter what the cause.

Sam's hands were working on their own - one fisting and pulling on her hair, the other starting to slide up her shirt to touch flesh - when suddenly there was a very loud clearing of throat and Sam pulled back, gasping for breath as he looked at Bobby standing on the porch. Who was glaring at them while sipping on a beer.

"I told ya son, there's a motel down the road. I don't need you two sharing your personal time wit the rest of us."

"Bobby, I... it's not... what are you doing out here?"

Bobby raised an eyebrow. "I own the place."

Ruby let her head fall back against the hood of the car with a slight thump! before pushing herself up, and Sam off her, and flashing Bobby an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Bobby. Won't happen again." Yes, she had no snarky comeback. She was a kind of a little embarrassed at that point. She didn't do stuff like this. That was more up Amy's alley. Oh, God. She did something to her, didn't she?

"Yeah yeah," Bobby made his way back inside, muttering to himself.

Sam took a deep breath. "Sorry, I didn't mean..." he was stumbling over his words at this point.

"It's fine, Sam," she said with a slight laugh. "I mean -- we were making out in the middle of a junkyard. Should've figured that someone would walk in on us eventually."

"Yeah, I guess." He looked past Ruby up at Dean's grave. "You know my brother would be making comments about us right about now."

"Oh yeah," she sighed, shaking her head slightly. "But I would have punched him in the face at this point -- just to get him to shut up."

Sam thought for a moment. What would Dean be saying? Grossed out about demon tounge, or making some other remark. But something in Sam felt that Dean would at least want him to do what Sam would want.

"We could go find that hotel room. Dean could use some exercise, and I'm sure rolling over in his grave would be good for him." He was trying to joke, but his lower lip trembled to betray that joke.

"You sure?" She wasn't referring to the joke -- she got the joke, and she saw how he reacted, and she wasn't going to dwell on it. She was referring to the first part -- the important part, because she didn't want to do this, and have him hating himself in the morning. That wasn't exactly helpful, but she also didn't want him hating himself over her.

He thought for a moment, then nodded. "Actually, yeah, I'm pretty sure. It feels right." He gave her a hesitant smile. "We can just see what happens."

She watched him for a minute, trying to make sure that he wasn't lying to her before nodding. "Okay."

He pulled her close so he could wrap and arm around her shoulder. He wasn't lying. He might be a bit nervous, but not lying. "We do have to figure out how to get to the car without walking past the boys and Anna."

"Well, Amy did just decide to make an appearance," Ruby said with a sigh. "In all likelihood, they won't be paying attention."

Sam just closed his eyes. "Not sure if I like the sounds of that... but I know she won't hurt them. What else she might do though - nah, they're big boys. They can take care of themselves."

"She won't be going there," Ruby rolled her eyes. "Anna would flip out. It's bad enough that she's possessed by a lust demon, she doesn't need her acting on her behalf."

"That's good, because I'm pretty sure Ben would flip out too." Sam chuckled and started to walk around the outside of Bobby's house. Speaking of which - so the boys don't feel abandoned... Ben, Ruby and I are going to check out the motel down the street. Bobby doesn't have enough rooms for all of us. Call if you need me, and I'll be back tomorrow.

Ruby followed his lead, making their way back to the car. She waited for him to finish filling Ben in, leaning back against the hood of Sam's car and waiting patiently.

Sam got the confused but understanding response from his nephew and then looked at Ruby. "Let's go."

She nodded, before climbing into the car next to him, and waiting for him to start the car.

The motel wasn't that far away, one of those decorated for Americana-style. And the Bass Classic was in town, so a lot of the rooms were actually filled, boats filling the parking lot which made Sam grateful for the compact car he owned. The owner saw the hot blonde leaning against the car and winked at Sam when handing him the key, which only made him roll his eyes as he went back.

The room was set up with an old west motif, old replicated posters and maps making up the wallpaper, and turn of the century lamps. And there was a single bed with an old hand-sewn quilt on it that had seen it's better days. The television was very out of place with the dresser it sat on, little wagon wheels as the knobs.

"Once the classic is over, we can switch to a two bed the owner said," Sam told her as he tossed his bag up on the desk table.

"Sure," she said with a nod, trying not to laugh as she looked around. "The things people do with their spare time."

"This is tame compared to some of the few I've stayed in. There was this one I swear Dad got to punish me and Dean. It was Barbie pink, and everything was trimmed with feathers." Sam chuckled as he pulled out his clothes, shoving them in the drawers. He always unpacked his bag no matter how long they stayed. It was just a habit.

Ruby snorted as she dropped back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. "I still think these people have too much spare time on their hands. Whatever happened to the crappy wallpaper and the horrible bedspread? Those were classics."

"People want to have an 'experience'. If they want things like that, they stay at places like the Marriott or the Hyatt. Not like I've ever stayed in one of those though. Too expensive." He shut the drawer and turned to look at her. His hands gripped the edge of the dresser. Now it was suddenly awkward.

Ruby turned her eyes from the ceiling and back to him again, pushing herself up on her elbows as she looked at him, tilting her head to the side slightly. "Second thoughts?" she asked. There was nothing demeaning about it -- it was an honest question because she didn't want to do this if he was going to regret it. It wouldn't be good for their relationship at all.

He looked down and licked his lips, then chuckled. "It was easier in the junkyard. Now it's like we're sitting here and there's this expectation, and I don't know what to do."

Apparently she really did have to do everything herself. With a heavy sigh, she pushed herself to her feet and made her way over to him, a bit of an amused look on her face. She stopped in front of him, looking at him for a minute, before pushing herself up on her toes and kissing him again, letting her hands come to rest on his hips lightly.

His eyes opened in shock a moment before he leaned down for her to make it easier, his arms slipping around her and pulled her closer. It also eased a lot of his nerves, because part of him was worried she would have second thoughts to. But he didn't want this to be something that she did out of duty. He wanted her to actually do it because she wanted to for herself.

And she wasn't. Really, she wasn't. If she had felt like she was doing this out of obligation to Sam, she wouldn't have made the first move. She wanted this too -- whether she actually wanted to admit that or not. As he leaned in closer to her, she returned the kiss as best she could, giving him the opportunity to take the lead whenever he was ready to.

His hands came to her hips and he spun her around, lifting her up onto the dresser so she was higher up and easier for him to kiss. Now that they were back to doing this, his bravery came back and he did take charge, intensifying his kisses.

She slid her arms around his shoulders as she pulled him closer, letting her fingers skim the back of his neck and then dip under the collar of his shirt, searching out skin as she went.

Sam groaned, pushing closer. The room was suddenly getting hot, so he quickly pulled his hands off her, not seperating his lips however, to unbutton his shirt and let it fall to the ground.

There was a slight whimper when his hands left her, but she moved quickly to help push the shirt to the ground, and then reaching for the edge of his t-shirt and starting to push it up from the bottom, her fingers trailing against his stomach as she went.

Her cool hands on his stomach made him groan and lean his head back, taking in the sensations. He lifted his arms up so she could get the shirt off easily.

She broke the kiss long enough to get the shirt over his head and let it drop to the floor, before pulling him in again. This time she kept the kiss light, however, teasing him almost as she let her hands slide over his chest.

He smiled into this kiss, giving her soft kisses before slowly moving down her jaw, then neck until he was kissing that spot right where her neck met her shoulder. His hands slipped under her shirt now, feeling the flesh of her back and he ran his fingers up and down her spine.

Her body arched up against his fingers, and she closed her eyes, letting her head fall back slightly to give him better access. His hands were warm for the most part, and that was a nice change from what she was used to feeling.

With that, he wrapped his arms around her tightly and picked her up, carrying her to the bed where he gently put her down, crawling up on the bed next to her to keep the contact between her neck and his lips. He wanted to take this slow, since they had all the time in the world right now. He was feeling good and healthy, and just wanted to have this moment last as long as it could.

She let Sam take what he needed, trying her best to not let herself get completely caught up in the moment, but not necessarily succeeding. When it was over, she stayed close, letting him curl up as much as he wanted and relax. It had been a rough couple of days, and if anything, Sam needed plenty of sleep. And in return, he was grateful for that giving and taking, and held Ruby close to his chest as he relaxed. He kissed the top of her head as a way of saying thank you: for not pushing him aside, for taking care of him, and just for being there for him these past 13 years.
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