
Oct 27, 2004 07:45

I was kicked out of one of my classes.
For voicing my opinion. I am the ONLY democrat in the class. I am pretty much told that what my closed minded republican teacher says it factual when it is opinion, my opinion is ALWAYS wrong.

Please let me know if I am out of line, also read my paper, he refused to grade it because he didnt like it.

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I have one thing to say steviejeans1968 October 27 2004, 10:20:57 UTC
Your professor was completely in the wrong. If he is going to add his personal opinions to his class, then he should also be willing to accept the opinions of others or atleast respect them and not personally attack them.
Your paper was written beautifully. You are a great writer. I do have a question or two about some of the comments you made in your paper. It is now time to defend your statements. I respect your opinions, and I hope you will support mine. I am not a total Republican, I am more of a Moderate, and I have seriously thought about changing my affiliation to the Reform Party.

In your paper, you stated that the Presidency was tailored to the personality and qualities that George Washington had, and on this I completely agree. You specifically brought up the Commander and Chief roll of the President, and brought up the possibility that a President with little on no military experience might be detremental to the future. I assume you are calling the readers attention to George W. Bush (GW from now on). If not, I will stand corrected. I want to comment that Bill Clinton had NO military experience at all. Infact, Clinton Chose to dodge the Draft (heck I might have also done that, but I am too young). Did you mean to include all presidents past present and future? If so, do you think that Hillary Clinton could serve as President if the office continued to give the title of Commander and Chief?
In your paper, you also call for the goverment to take charge of the economy. I would consider that an option if a good plan were to be formed. I was wondering if you could expand on this issue. I my opinion, the economy is driven by consumer spending. Consumer spending is on the rise as it has been (basically) since Clinton's administration. Also, does Allen Greenspan not also help drive the economy by setting the intrest rate? You mentioned something about the minimum wage, which is too low on that I agree, but there is also a trickle down factor involved. When the minimum rate is raised, eventually the cost of goods and services also increase. It becomes more expensive to pay employees to produce goods and preform services so, the price for goods and services increases, and the dollar does not streach very far, and we are back where we started.
You did happen to mention Taxes. Just a point of intrest, Kerry paid $90k last year in personal income tax (albit he did file a personal tax form, not joint with his wife), but he also made a pretty good sum last year. Bush paid over $250k in Taxes and filed jointly with his wife. The rich do actually pay a higher Tax rate (it is something like 42% annually maybe more). I am a poor boy, and I actually got money back last year, almost 80% of the money I paid in came back to me.
Now, you also mentioned the need for Socialism. Socialism calls for more Govermental Interaction, and less personal freedoms. I thought that the whole basis of the American Revolution was simply to get away for overbearing govermental control. Yes, democracy does have govermental control, but also allows for more freedoms than any other govermental system. There will also be a cost for Socialism, as the goverment takes control of various aspects of our life. That means there will be more people working for the Goverment, and that means that those people need to and rightfully so, should be paid. Where is the funding for that going to come from? Taxes is the easiest answer, because the frivilous printing of money will cause runaway inflation. If I am wrong, please let me know what you think.
Again, I thought your paper was well written, although I did not completely agress with everything you wrote. If you feel I am attacking your opinions, I am not. I am more or less trying to get a feel from where you are coming from. In some of my experiences, I have found that one can develop ideas that sound good, but infact would be next to impossible to implement (I am one of the worst, and have been put in my place many times before), or would cause long range problems, although the short term benefits would be nice.

I look forward to your responce!


Re: I have one thing to say wayvedancer October 28 2004, 07:09:31 UTC
Hi, it is early, and my nephew was hospitolized last night, so if their are errors I am sorry. I wanted to say thank you for your input, it really helps to have someone actually say things about your paper, and it made me think about what I said, and helped me understand I I might need to reword or rething ideas. I wish I had you always to look at my papers and thank you

I don't feel the commander chief role should play to all presidents. Washington had a amazing background, not so with all past and future presidents.
I think someone should be appointed for that position based on experience.
I put a empasis on the future president, I had included info about past presidents, however, my professor didn't want more than 5 pages, so I took it out to maintain the 5 pages.

As far as the economy, i really think they need to level the cost of things as well as earnings. Earnings one makes should be able to pay for the neccesities in life, no matter their job. However, in alot of parts of the country we are faced with high rents (as land value increases) and wages are usually not getting any better.

In our countries case, they relie alot on the blue collared workers, however, their pay is barly middle class. As pay stays the same, and prices go up, it forms a much larger lower class.

I think if people work and put in their time, they should be allowed a respectable income that will firnish them with their immediate needs (home etc), I know many people that work and cannot afford rent so their live with parents or in a effieciency. That is not fair. I think the economy needs to adjust their income dramatically, such as we NEED people to teach our children, we do not need pop stars as much, then why is it they get paid more?

Also, they need to reform retirment, my parents worked all their life, and didn't recieve any of their retirment made before 40. They are homeless adn living with family currently.

I think taxes are "ok" for the poor, I would like to see a idea that was actually presented by the Puritans, their idea the rich pay far more taxes to support things such as school. I dont think a 17 million a year football player needs that money, nor deserves it, maybe 150K a year, I think they should lose it all to the government, or maybe the government should control pay such as that, because we need a doctor more and the doctor makes nothing compared to that. My deal with taxes, is that the eich should be harder taxed, because they get richer anyhow, and well the poor stay poor unless they hit the lotterey

As far as socialism I took that into a context of crime. I saw a awesome show in the history channel awhile back with my dad on certain socialism issues in the US. Crime is out of control...if it meant getting a few more restrictions that would help settle crime, well, I would. I think socialism issues can come in forms of population, teen pregnacy, and so on. I honestly didnt think about it in the context of what you said, but it too makes sense too me, I never really thought of it is that way. I am known for not thinking about vertain things at times :)
I actually enjoyed your input. Everyone I had read it prior to turning it in just said, "great'
I need you more to go through my papers...it really helps


Re: I have one thing to say steviejeans1968 October 28 2004, 10:07:44 UTC
Now I feel I should have been a teacher instead of a funeral director. My girl friend is an English Comp teacher, and she sometimes allows me to help her grade papers. So, I tend to read it very objectivly (although my opinions are surly expressed in my comments).

Com and Chief -- When you say appointed, are you meaning a committee (or some simialr organization) appoint a president? Or, do you mean that the president should appoint someone to command the military (like the Sec of Defence)?

The American Economy is based on Free Enterprise. Which means, if you were to invent a widget that everybody wanted/needed then you would personally reap the benefits. Tax tables for income tax are very lopsided (the rich pay more and the poor pay less -- based on "earned income" and the rich, using investmen techniques can portect $$ and get "unearned income." A loophole yes, and it is porfitable for the rich.

You idea of caping goods and service could be reasonable, but then it also take the idea of Free Enterprise out of the equasion, and when that is done, I would think that the economy would suffer (in the long run). Inflation needs to be controled, and that in my opinion is the key. For Instance, in my business, the price of a standard traditional funeral doubles about every 15 years (very high inflation rate). Why, because the cost of equipment, merchendise, etc rises. Where I work, our service charge has not increased since 1992, but caskets, insurance, and fees all increase. Hell, I don't know.

the whole retirement system including private investing, pensions, and SSA all need to be revamped. When I retire, I will be able to take my SSA check to mcdonalds and buy you and me a cup of coffee.

Professional Sports figures are sickening. The amount they make is outrageous, but until the fans stop patronizing them, they will continue to make millions. The tax rate should be higher than it is, and I agree that education is hurting, and the cost of public higher education is crazy, and yes, taxes revenue, if managed right could definatly suplement education, and other programs that are of a community benefit.

As far as your socialism comment, I read it as making the USA more socialist (commumistic) not the "Social" aspects of crime. I guess I read something completely different into your paper. Humm, it is amazing how different readers have different takes of ideas. Isn't the human mind wonderful.

I am sorry your prof is a biggoted, opinionated close minded person. I think you should continue to NOT give up your opinions, just because he does not like them. And, I hope your nephew has a speedy recovery, and your parents are able to survive their retirement. Keep up the good writing, you are a GREAT writer, and you did a great job of conveying your ideas in a rather objective yet non-threatning maner. I enjoyed reading your paper!

In the Words of Sitting Bull -- "These words are mine, these words are true, these words are spoken for all to hear." He said this while addressing the Tribal Council at the end of a speach about the pending land treaty with the USA.


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