I was kicked out of one of my classes.
For voicing my opinion. I am the ONLY democrat in the class. I am pretty much told that what my closed minded republican teacher says it factual when it is opinion, my opinion is ALWAYS wrong.
Please let me know if I am out of line, also read my paper, he refused to grade it because he didnt like it.
Here is the conversation that took place over poles in Florida, and a paper I wrote that he refused to grade about American screw ups in a nit shell
Prof: Florida ballots were messed up last year over a simply ignorant mistake. People are making a big deal out of something that is not a deal at all. Last election Florida changed the ballots to larger print for the elderly. The ballots became 2 cards. Since the elderly don't understand well, they voted twice, one for rep. one for demo. This is what threw the ballets out last election. Since most elderly are republicans, it threw the votes to Bush.
ME: I don'tthink so
Prof: Why, what I stated is factual
ME: It is factual that most of the ballots that were messed up were African Americans. Most African Americans by fact are democrats. If their votes were "lost" then that would put bush into office.
Prof: Well, there you go, African Americans are ignorant
ME: Well, no, even some booths turned blacks away, hence the lawsuit against Florida right now.
PROF: What you are saying is opinionated, what I am saying is factual, I told you to keep your opinions to yourself.
ME: What I am saying is factual, blacks are the ones that lost then votes, and they are mostly democrats.
ME: Not only that but you are trying to state that thousands of Floridans were dumb enough to vote twice for 2 different parties, that usually isnt the case, and people are not that dumb.
ME: Also is is weird that Florida the key state, who's govenor is Bush's brother had their votes go crazy. looks like the tamering of republicans to me
Prof: Republicans do not cheat on the elections that is fact
Me: That is why in Nevada thousands of democrats had their voter registration applications thrown out by republicans so that they cannot vote.
Prof: Sounds to me like you were in Maine too long and it turned you into a pathetic liberal, were you raised by hippies?
ME: Not the point, you tell me not to state my opinion in class or not to voice myself, however, everything you say that is not in the book is all opinions
Prof: Get out of my class I don't want to talk to you
ME: What?
Prof: Get out, by, I am not speaking with you
*He hands me my paper and I leave and then come back when there is no grade on my paper
Me: You didn't grade my paper
Prof: I didn't like your paper,bye!
*I leave*
"America’s Foundations"
After the new America won its freedom from England they were faced with the problems of economic depression, social uncertainty, and a weak government. The delegates created the Articles of Confederation however it proved inadequate. This led to the establishment of the Constitution, and the hope that it would build a stronger America. Following the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and a suite offered to the highest government authority, the president, was created. These two famous documents and one important job became known today as Classical Liberalism.
Although these important documents and a presidential position provided the framework for our country that has shown a great deal of importance today, they have left out various things that our government should control. Some things that they should control, such as the economy, have proved that over time, without proper governing, will consistently decline. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was focused primarily with legal issues and politics, however, they left out the important issues such as the economy and socialism.
The Constitution was assembled in 1787. This important document established the guidelines for the government. It gave the government powers such as raising and collecting taxes, regulating trade and enforcing the laws. Although this document showed a great in depth analysis of the political structure, it left out the rights for individual Americans. The Constitution was declared by many Anti-federalists as giving the government too much power and the individuals too little, which in turn threatened their personal liberties. These elastic clauses led to the Bill of Rights. Although the Constitution posed many problems at the time, one advantage it holds is that it is a living document. As times in America change, amendments can be added to suit the needs of specific time eras.
One of the Articles in the Constitution provides Congress with the right to raise and collect taxes. The flaw is that most Congressmen are wealthy and do not have much experience with the feelings of the low-income Americans. Because of this they often raise taxes amongst the poor and middle income citizens, and these citizens have little way to express their feelings towards the issue other than by voting for a different representative.
The people often rebel against Congress or the government by local publishing’s and protests. Thomas Paine’s "Common Sense" as well as the protesting of wars can exemplify such acts of rebellion. The rebellions of the American people usually go unheard. With few powerful ways for them to contribute feelings to the government, they often just live with the laws Congress institutes. With little regard to the economy in the Constitution, Congress can basically do as they wish without the regards to the well-diversified American public.
The Bill of Rights shortly followed the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights consisted of ten amendments that supported personal rights such as freedom of speech, press and religion. The Amendments tailored to the Americans and their rights were formed on the basis of English law as well as the Natural law, a form of Stoicism that was born in Roman culture in the 700’s BC.
Although the amendments gave Americans the personal liberties that they had wished for in their new country, it again did not stress economics of socialization. However, it did help to calm the debates over the Constitution’s elastic clauses and provide the American people with their democratic rights.
Another position that the newly found country took upon was having established a national president. George Washington, who was voted unanimously by Electoral College, fulfilled the position as America’s first president. Since he was the first president many amenities were formed to fit him and his personality.
George Washington was appointed Commander and Chief of the Virginia militia in 1755 at only 23 years old. Since he had a broad band of military experience, it made sense to allow the president to hold this position while in office. To this very day, our president is the Commander in Chief of the military, reflecting the past with George Washington’s victories.
However, presidents vary from one to the next, and perhaps the presidential position isn’t suited for each president and their individual needs. What if a president comes into office with no prior military experience? Will he/she be able to meet the needs of the American people if war was to inhibit us?
America’s foundations have supported its country for more than two hundred years. America has been through wars, natural disasters, and threats of terrorists and has survived. However, maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to look at the economy and socialization of our country and obtain some structure to help our economy and people flourish.
The economy is struggling. As the lower class gains more people the select few at the top are getting richer. The blue collar workers who are the backbone to our country, who support our function, our education, and our articles for trade, is getting paid much less. Often these workers are resorting to high amounts of debt to merely survive. Although our Constitution helps us politically and our Bill of Rights helps us with our freedoms, what is in place to make our American economy stronger?
Although Congress has the right per the Constitution to levy taxes, shouldn’t the everyday American have say in how it may hurt or help them? And if our Bill of Rights is giving us our freedom of religion, why are laws that abandon gay marriage and abortion trying to get passed? Those concepts are religion based and they do not support our freedom of religion. Another foreseen problem could be future presidents. It may have been suitable to allow George Washington to maintain his status of Commander in Chief while in office; however, America could see a president that has only a limited amount of military experience. This could cause stress to the American people as well as pose serious issues to the safely of our country.
The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and the President have addressed issues and solved most problems in the political and legal world. Isn’t it about time they supplied an answer to our economic problems such as pay rate, rising populations, and immigration? How much longer can America hope to sustain its economy and social structure without a proper guidance created by the American people? Will our great country come to an end as so many others have by an internal collapse in its structure? Without further reform, our country will continue it’s social-economic destabilization.