First Inning

Sep 19, 2009 16:44

Top of the Inning
Pitching: Crowley
At Bat: Sari, Raguel, and Alice
On the Field: The Enigmas (Castiel's Team)

Bottom of the Inning
Pitching: Alice
At Bat: Father Mulcahy, Edward, Teja, and Crowley
On the Field: The Paradoxes (Carlisle's Team)

sari sumdac, carlisle cullen, alice cullen, teja, edward cullen, crowley, game, father mulcahy, raguel

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#7 Teja at bat ostro_goth September 19 2009, 10:28:35 UTC
Teja strides to the home plate, and takes up the bat. He has trained much for this; and the adversary facing him as pitcher is but a woman. He stands in position, bat over his shoulder, and nods to the woman.

She throws.

Teja watches the ball fly, and swings for it -- but instead of the satisfying 'thwack' he expected, the ball is lower than his bat, dropping down and sweeping horizontally before it was caught by the catcher behind him.

Another attempt: - she throws again.

Teja keeps his eyes on the ball more closely this time, and it does not do anything unexpected: - it comes at him fast, but he hits it, this time, a mighty jolt passing through the bat into his arms. He almost starts running: - but then he sees the ball fall, spent, to his right, just beyond the cage he himself built.

He stops, hefts his bat again, and waits for a third pitch: now he must hit it.

Inexplicably, he does not. The ball is not quite there when he swings at it, and tumbles past him, into the cage.

Beaten and grim, Teja gives up his place to the next batter, wondering how a mere woman could do this to him.


Re: #7 Teja at bat ways_diamond September 19 2009, 19:24:46 UTC
Three outs, then, and the first inning is over.

Paradoxes 0, Enigmas 1.

And now Paradox captain and centerfielder, Carlisle Cullen, is ready to kick off the second inning.


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