ACP Tutorial Walkthrough #6: How to Upgrade a Standard Account to Celestial.

Nov 09, 2007 07:04

Now all you Celestials can ignore this next tutorial, unless you really like looking at my fantastic art, or my shameless text.
Now this is the instruction manual on HOW to upgrade an ACP account to Celestial.
If you want to read WHY you should upgrade, well then you should revisit my ACP Upgrade #3 post here

Now before you start, you do need one of two things.
1. $20.
2. A sugar daddy or sugar momma with $20.

1. LOG INTO ACP. This is the fastest way to get to your page.

2. CLICK VIEW MY COSPLAYER PAGE on the left on your control panel.

3. So assuming you are a Standard Account Holder, here you are. There's that intrusive yellow box. Our mission today is to get rid of that box. Click on SPONSORING A COSPLAYER. You will be in effect sponsoring yourself.

4. You are then sent to the donations page. Scroll up and you will see why we even have donations. But you should have figured it out already. I'm a cosplayer just like you. Cosplay costs money. Therefore I do not have a lot of it. I did not make it big in the biz. I don't run any cosplay stores to try to recoup the costs. And it does cost money to run a site like this. And so I need ACP to be able to be self sufficient. So we take donations. We have multiple ways of taking donations but most people these days use Paypal. CLICK ON THE PAYPAL button

5. Now you're sent off site. Be sure to fill in $20 in the unit price. And be sure to put your ACP name (or the ACP name of the person you want to upgrade) in the text box.

Turn around time is generally less than 24 hours, once genjitsu verifies it he upgrades the account.

6. But I'm already Celestial! I still want to donate to ACP and upgrade one of my friends to spread the love, cos $20 isn't that much these days with the dollar falling like a rock. (And we're stupid not to account for inflation) Or perhaps you're a generous donator like slave_to_anime or lionboogy. Or mebbe there's this cosplayer you have a crush on and you want to upgrade her account. Or you want to surprise one of your ACP cosplaying buddies for her birthday or Christmas or you want to brighten her day. You can track down all the Standard cosplayers at ACP in a very simple way.
Let's hit COSTUMES off the top bar.

7. Scroll down and click on STANDARD to pull up the standard list.

8. Ding. A plentiful supply of Standard cosplayers waiting to be upgraded!

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