Dec 16, 2009 15:06
DAT has the plague. Today is day #2 of my staying home with him. Yesterday, he was the sickest I think I've ever seen him. He had a fever of 103, vomited twice, and refused to eat or drink all morning and didn't eat until dinner time (which would probably just have resulted in more puke if he had eaten before then). He literally lay on the couch all day while I read to him or he watched movies. I was worried that it might be flu (despite his recent vaccination), but the fever dropped down to 100 after his late nap, and he scarfed down a bunch of cereal and ice cream (for medicinal purposes :-) ) that evening. (I guess it still could be the flu with a shorter duration due to his upped immunity. In which case, I'm doomed as I haven't gotten a flu shot this year.) Today, he is much perkier with a low-grade fever, but we are still taking it slow. It was kinda worrisome to see him so out of it yesterday. He was hardly even talking. I'm happy he's feeling better, and I hope I don't get it and have to take more time off.
Since I've missed two days of work, I won't be able to harvest (our other weekday worker Brit is visiting family for Christmas) enough for market this week. I feel bad about that, but my boss doesn't seem to upset. He is a single dad with two grown kids so he's fairly sympathetic about parenting related issues.