Vividon & other assorted bits

Aug 06, 2012 15:08

Vividcon! I'll be driving up Thursday & will leave Monday after breakfast. Can't wait to see everyone!  This year's goal is to NOT dislocate a body part while dancing at Club Vivid. If anyone needs a ride to the grocery store Thursday night let me know. I'll be happy to taxi folks over & back.

The A/C is still broken at our office. We've maxed out on the portable units & blew out our electrical panels twice. One day we got so fed up by everything blowing up that we all decamped to the bar across the street & drank for 2 hours. Good times. Regional has decreed that the temps are TOO HIGH in our office & we must officially leave work at Noon & work from home the rest of the day. Working from home = adding up postage logs while watching the USA/Canada soccer match. I'm definitely OK with this.
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