we're gonna make a mess of it all

Mar 23, 2012 11:45

I never realized how much a creature of routine I was until this vacation. I also apparently have a 48 hr limit on forced family togetherness without snapping. Don't even ask about the spotty internet connectivity. On the plus side, the food was good. IDK, I really don't vacation well.

Now that we're headed home I realize there's a shit ton of stuff I need to do before I go back to work on Monday. I thought the to do list pre-vacation was bad. I think this one may be worse. And really all I want to do with the rest of this weekend is park my ass on the sofa with a ginormous iced tea, work on some vids, read some fic (is there any new fic I haven't read yet? Bueller?), watch hockey & talk to people about hockey. First world problems.

Speaking of talking about hockey which really is ALL I want to talk about these days, I forced the spouse to listen to the the Blues-Kings game last night in order to get my hockey fix & to stop him from constantly hitting scan on the radio. (Driver picks the music is BULLSHIT when the driver can only seem to listen to 15 seconds of any song before trying to find something else.) Also, the Blues are his team, you'd think I wouldn't have to resort to threats of bodily harm to get him to pay attention to what they're doing. Whatever, I made him listen to it anyway mostly so I could giggle at every mention of the Mike Richards/Jeff Carter bromance. No regrets.

Also, just when I think I can go back to being indifferent about the Canucks & focus my hockey rivalry hatred back where it properly belongs, namely on the Blues & Red Wings, they open their mouths to whine & my irrational dislike of them rears it's ugly head. I don't think I know a single Blackhawks fan that doesn't believe Duncs deserves a decently long suspension for that boneheaded elbow on Sedin #2. It was stupid & I expect better from our guys. But the more Vancouver seems to whine about it, the more my ragey ranting dislike of them grows. BAH. I'd so so much rather be disgusted by Datsyuk killing us with his stupid awesome play or the Blues & Hitchcock's boring ass defensive strategy. Fuck you Canucks. Why do you have to be so fucking annoying?

I also want to talk about Goon. Have you seen Goon yet? Because if you haven't, you should. I could say it's the kind of bad movie that's cringe worthy & hilarious & over the top. But fuck that, I straight up love it just the way it is.

hockeyhockeyhockey, life as we know it

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