more bitter than sweet

Feb 24, 2012 21:16

At this moment, life consists of work, more work, dealing with teenagers, a very hairy dog & a cranky spouse, a tiny bit of vidding, more work & hockey.  I need to clean & probably do laundry, but that's definitely not happening tonight. I could also use a haircut & a massage. I think I need more hours in my day. Someone needs to get on bending the space time continuum for me.

So at work we have all kinds of changes going on right smack dab in the middle of one of our busiest parts of the year.  New direct boss, with the former boss now moved to Regional but still working out of our office & having issues letting go. Short staffed. Lots of drama, drama & well drama. I hate drama. And this morning I walk in to see them putting tape on the floor around my desk to mark walls for a new office for a potential new staff person. Of course they're not quite sure where they're going to put me, perhaps a folding table in the hall alcove? Supply closet? I'm not sure if I should be insulted or flattered because they know I'm the only one in the office that can actually get their work done under less than perfect circumstances. I'm leaning toward insulted. I'm perversely looking forward to taking a week's vacation during the middle of this chaos.

The Blackhawks are trying to break my heart (I may have made a playlist heavy on the Morrissey for post game listening.)  I'm pretty sure inconsistency is their team motto. The rest of this season is looking to be nearly as annoying as last season's.

And in other Hockey fandom news, Jeff Carter managed to whine his way back to Mike Richard's side. Amazing. Just when you think it's not possible for hockey to give RPF more fodder, shit like this goes down. I'm looking forward to the fic that will come out of this. There can never be too much fic.

All registered up for Vividcon. Hoping to manage to finish a vid for it this year & also to not break any part of my body while dancing. Though I didn't mind the injury all that much.

life as we know it

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