New Vid! - Chicago Blackhawks - Ready To Go

Feb 06, 2012 08:57

Dear Blackhawks -

I know you've been struggling as of late. You've had a few truly craptacular games & seem to have forgotten your path to hockey success. It's okay, we all have our low points, but I'd like you to remember that you are an awesome team.

Ready To Go
Music: Panic! at the Disco
Fandom: Chicago Blackhawks
Summary: Be Better Blackhawks

37.4 MB Divx

No streaming, sorry YouTube is being a bag of dicks.

image Click to view

Now stop sucking & win some goddamn games because if I have to listen to my Blues Fan Husband's gloating for much longer I'm gonna go all John Scott on him.

Love, B

Vid notes:  Thank you to sockkpuppett & crazywritinfool for the help & hand holding.  Thanks to impertinence for playing minion & tracking down source I needed.

blackhawks, vid, hockey hockey hockey

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