I don't even know how to describe this year's Vividcon. I mean, I did many of the same things I do every year - hang out with friends, go to some great panels, watch a lot of vids - but I left this year feeling so much more...uplifted.
absolutedestiny's Up vid was definitely the apex of an emotional con & boy did the tears flow. It was a cathartic experience for me personally. My FIL had passed away the week before, the funeral was the Monday of the con week & wow all of the emotions of the previous couple of weeks certainly came pouring out during that vid. In a good way - it celebrated the past & challenged us to look to the future.
This weekend I got to talk about things that made me happy, with people who made me happy. I got to watch people share the things that made them happy which made me happy just by osmosis. I got to listen to friends reminisce about friends they had lost & watch them grieve & share the joy & affection & love they had found in knowing them. The things that in past year's had driven me to hide & disengage rolled off my back this year. The minor annoyances & accidents & negativity seemed to skitter away & not take root in my psyche.
I think
destina posted that she had found her fannishness again & I would have to agree with her. Me too!
Somehow this weekend I remembered what it's like to be me - in all my goofy glory - I felt engaged & supported & loved. How awesome is that?