my life has evolved into the lyrics of a bad country song

Sep 10, 2011 16:39

Well it's been a month from hell at our house.

Family - Spouse & girls are still spending a lot of time traveling to MIL's house (or the entire family bringing her up here to see the girl's activities) to help & hang out after FIL's passing.

Work - Busy season chaos & new staff = crazy boss shenanigans.

Tech - Cell phone wonked out. Was able to restore but lost many contacts & settings. Laptop wonked out. Bought new one. Still having problems getting everything transferred & configured & set up. (Worst Mac experience ever.)

School & Sports & Music - everything hitting all at once. Please let the school year routine kick in soon.

And worst of all? Our dog Baron died suddenly on Labor Day. (The entirety of this year's labor day weekend was one hellish disaster after another.) The girls are heartbroken. The spouse is utterly depressed over Baron's death & I am at the "oh FFS please nothing more this year" stage of things.

To sum up: Everything Sucks

IF I owe anyone anything - please be kind & remind me. I should have free time this week to catch up on everything that I need to respond to.

In other news since VividCon I have been vidding. One vid needs a major re-working after a really good detailed beta & the other needs a couple of tweaks & it can be sent out to beta. I think I'm permanently lodged in the "What the fuck was I thinking" stage of vidding at this point.

I need to go do laundry & nag about homework, but I think a nap is a better idea.
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