Random Email

Jan 06, 2009 02:09

I felt like sending this to Dr. Amazing Math Guy, who is probably my favorite professor from undergrad (especially since Dr. PoliSci was my coach and Dr. Ace was my PI). After sending it, I figured I'd send it out to the internets and see what you guys think. ---

I often think of the comment you made over the summer "I think the best thing is to be from the East Coast, live on the West Coast, and surround yourself with other people from the East Coast."

The more I think about it, the more I feel I am in the "From the West Coast, living on the East Coast, and surrounding herself with people from the West Coast" category. This recent trip home has left me with an itch for all things California - the music, the clothes, the "culture."

It seems you can take the plastic out of your wallet, but you cannot take the plastic out of the girl. Sometimes I feel Southern Californian through-and-through, with all the contradictions, superficialities, and stereotypes. I wonder if I'll ever take anything seriously, take responsibility, or even take to the 405 at 5pm on a Monday.

It's a strange, enlightened, dittzy thing to think or want to share, but I figure if anyone would understand, it'd be you. It's crazy. In a sense, it's like embracing the "ignorance is bliss" philosophy I throw around when my deficient memory is pointed out in awkward social settings. I've been to over 30 countries (my parents recently made me count . . . sick family hobby), and while I only remember a handful, I can say with certainty that no place has made me rethink the concepts of "home" and "from" like this short year and a half I've passed in Boston.

As much as I like it out here, I miss the subversive and understated elegance of professors in shorts and faded baseball caps :D

--- And thanks for the comments on the previous post. I'm just got them, and I'll work on feeling fabulous!
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