kiss me somewhere deep under the surface

Sep 21, 2008 17:47

Title: Little of Your Time [2/6]
Author: waxrose
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Nino/Jun with Aiba/Jun and implications of one-sided Ohno/Nino (This chapter is mostly Aiba/Jun)
Length: ~2,700 words [Story total = ~4,500]
Author's Notes: I totally have no idea where I'm going with this, but I want to concentrate on je_ficgames until November, so I figured I'd get at least one chapter out now and then think it over for awhile. omnipresentdmat, you are lovely for looking this over, thank you! ♥ I'd like to wrap this up in one more chapter, but realistically, I'm looking at at least two more.
Summary: A remix of this drabble, originally done for aoimidori.

Part One

five years ago:

When it happened, it simply happened - there was no dance-around or confessions, just an overwhelming unspoken sense of what was happening, with no real indication as to why.

But - and this is what Jun reminds himself of, on those nights when he's feeling a little desperate and wanting and frustrated with his own indecision - there was also a certain feeling of inevitability about the whole night that made it pretty clear that both of them had thought about it before, had possibly both wanted it for some time already.

It's late, very late, and everyone else left Jun's room ages ago, save for Aiba. They're huddled under a blanket on the floor at the foot of one of the hotel beds. The concert replay tape is winding to a close and Aiba's head is lolling against his shoulder, his whole body pressed against Jun's.

Despite the warmth, Jun can't stop shaking a little bit.

He has no reason to be this nervous around Aiba, but his body is reacting to Aiba's nearness, to the way that his hand is running slowly up and down Jun's thigh, lazy broad strokes that warm his skin, tingling and electric, even through his jeans - and his mind can't even begin to keep up.

"Jun?" Aiba mutters against his neck, sleepy voice gravelly and slurred in a way that sends another shiver down Jun's arms, goosebumps rising. It's barely audible above the encore calls screaming from the television set.

"Hmm?" Jun fumbles on the floor next to him for the remote, clicking the set off. His body feels heavy, sluggish and liquid, but his mind is sharp and wide-awake, still riding on the concert's adrenaline high, hyper-aware of Aiba's nearness.

He holds still, waits for Aiba to explain, to ask - to do something. The room is still and quiet without the tape on, except for the muffled laughter and conversation of people passing by outside in the hallway.

Jun is listening, listening intently and trying his best to will himself to pull away, or at least to pull himself together and stop acting like such a freak when he feels a tentative kiss against the side of his neck. He almost jumps out of his skin, but he doesn't quite pull away and neither does Aiba. Aiba lingers, lips soft and hot breaths puffing against Jun's already overheated skin, like he's waiting.

Jun risks a glance downwards - Aiba's eyes are squeezed shut, his bangs hiding half of his face in shadow, his chin digging sharply into Jun's shoulder.

Aiba opens his eyes, looks up. His expression is expectant, aware and only just a bit nervous. He's smiling. Jun quickly looks away, feeling his cheeks flush.

The time to shove Aiba away, to yell at him and to call it all off as a joke has already run out. He doesn't know how to react, but he's fast running out of options.

"Masaki." Jun's voice cracks and it comes out sounding like a question. He doesn't know how to tell him to stop. He doesn't really want to, but he knows that he should.

He likes the warmth of Aiba's body pressed against his, comfortable and solid. They've been this close before, and Jun would be lying if he said that he had never thought about kissing Aiba, or how he likes the stinging, hot electric way his nerves are prickling beneath his skin in response to Aiba's touches, even now.

Aiba's hand stills on his leg, and Jun lets himself breathe a little.

The next thing he feels is a hand cupping his chin, Aiba's long fingers gently forcing him to look at him. Jun meets his gaze as levelly as he can - Aiba's eyes are warm, overbright, and he must see the panic in Jun's own, because he takes pity on him and takes the lead, leaning forward to kiss Jun softly.

Aiba's other hand slides off of Jun's leg and then he's cupping Jun's face in both hands, thumbs stroking the smooth rise of Jun's cheekbones. His kisses are lingering and feather-light, explorative - he sucks on the full curve of Jun's lower lip, traces the shape of his mouth with his tongue, presses a kiss to the corner of Jun's mouth.

Jun kisses back, trying to match Aiba's certainty. His heart is pounding like he's been running as hard and fast as he can as he leans into Aiba, their lips sliding against each other slow like, so slow that Jun feels like he might die if Aiba keeps up his lazy, teasing kisses. One of Aiba's hands slips into his hair, fingers tangling there. They kiss, and kiss again, shifting closer to each other under the blankets.

"Sometimes, I turn around and you're there," Aiba whispers, in between kisses, "Just there and watching me and I always - ahh, wondered -"

"Don't," Jun grits out, breaths stuttering in his throat. His hands are shaking under the blanket. He feels stretched hot and tight inside of his own skin, a rising fear and excitement. He doesn't want to hear this, he just can't take it right now. He can feel Aiba's shy smile against his own lips, warm and wanting and he kisses it softly. "Masaki, please, just -"

"No, no, it's okay." Aiba slides his cheek against Jun's, nuzzling his nose against Jun's temple. His hands find Jun's under the blanket, tangled between them and holds them tightly, fingers squeezing reassuringly. "It's okay. This doesn't have to mean anything you don't want it to. It doesn't have to change anything."

That isn't it at all, but Jun doesn't know how to reply to that, so he kisses Aiba to shut him up.

Well, maybe that's not his only motive, but it's an added benefit. Jun can't get enough of the heat of Aiba's body pressing against his, Aiba's tongue licking past his lips eagerly. It feels both familiar and new and Jun wants more. He fumbles under the heavy softness of the blankets, pushing Aiba backwards until he's propped sitting up against the bed, with Jun in front of him.

Jun straddles Aiba's legs, pressing closer until he's practically in Aiba's lap and gets his fingers into Aiba's hair, holding his head in place for a kiss, hot and deep. Aiba makes a satisfied little noise in his throat, resting his hands on Jun's hips, fingers slipping under the hem enough to tickle against the bare skin of Jun's waist.

Jun kisses the corner of Aiba's mouth, his cheek, moving lower to trail kisses down Aiba's neck and across his shoulders, until he can feel Aiba's body shaking beneath him, until Aiba can barely touch him in between his breathless giggles.

"The bed," Aiba gasped out, tilting his head to afford Jun better access to the patch of skin just beneath his ear. "Let's move, Jun- Jun."

They get to their feet, awkwardly, feet tangling in the blankets. The momentary loss of contact and the chillier air-conditioned air of the hotel room outside of the warmth of their blanket nest jolt Jun's mind back to the present, bring the full weight of the situation pressing down on him.

Jun swallows back panic and excitement while he watches Aiba strip off his shirt, his skinny chest rising and falling with his rapid breaths. It's all just too weird.

Aiba glances back around, seeing Jun's hesitation. He steps into towards him again, pulling Jun's hips to his by the belt loops of his jeans and kissing him.

"Are you okay?" he mutters against Jun's ear as they break apart. His fingers stroke ticklishly against the small of Jun's back.

"Yeah." Jun lets his forehead press against Aiba's, heart hammering in his chest. Aiba's bare skin is burning hot, even through Jun's shirt. Jun lets his hand roam up, fingers skimming lightly over Aiba's abs, marveling at the way Aiba's skin jumps under his touch as he sucks in a breath.

He has no reason to be this nervous around Aiba. He winds his arms around Aiba's waist, holding onto him tightly. "Yeah, I am."

"Good," It feels weird to see Aiba's goofy, ridiculous grin even now, but it's so bright and happy that Jun can't help but kiss the wide curve of his smile. They kiss and kiss again, slow and heated, and Jun lets Aiba press him back onto the bed, a blur of tangled limbs and slow touches.


present day:

Aiba always did have the absolute worst timing.

Jun coughs violently, tears streaming out from the corners of his eyes, chest lurching with gasps for air and eyes swimming.

"Hey, hey, Matsujun, you should drink more slowly!" Aiba pats Jun's back in hearty thumps between his shoulder blades. "It went down the wrong pipe, huh?"

Jun clears his throat, swiping at the water dripping down from his chin. The front of his new pink tee with the airbrushed silver lettering is soaking wet in patches, clinging to his skin. "Great," he mutters, slamming his half-empty water bottle on the table.

"It'll dry," Aiba tells him cheerfully, giving Jun's back another few whacks for good measure. "But like I was asking you - is there something going on between you and Nino?"

Jun concentrates on screwing the cap back onto his water bottle, avoiding Aiba's eyes. "What are you talking about?" His hands shake slightly and the cap tumbles off, bouncing on the tabletop and rolling off onto the floor.

"You've both been really weird around each other lately - like you're uncomfortable or something." Aiba reaches the cap before Jun does, handing it over and leaning against to table to watch Jun put it back on properly. "And Jun-kun hasn't smiled properly in a while now. You guys didn't have a fight or anything, did you?"

"No." Jun crosses his arms and leans against the table, processing Aiba's words. He knew that he hadn't been putting up his best face lately, mostly because he couldn't stop thinking about Nino. He hadn't been by in three weeks and he had been a little more evasive than usual during work. He wanted to ask him about Ohno, but he wasn't sure how to. He wasn't sure if he was even just imagining it.

The whole situation made his head hurt.

Aiba makes a face at him, poking Jun's cheek. "I do notice these things, you know. I can tell when you're unhappy." He bumps Jun's hip with his own, snuggling against his side. "I just want to help."

"I'm fine." Jun gives him his brightest smile, right into Aiba's face. "Believe me now?"

"Not good enough." Aiba tugs at the corners of Jun's lips with his thumbs, a bit of mischief creeping into his eyes. "You look constipated, not happy."

Jun smacks Aiba soundly across the back of his head, trying his best to glare while Aiba scoots out of Jun's reach a little, giggling madly. "You deserved that."

Aiba rubs at his head, sneaking back in towards Jun, eyes lighting up mischievously. "You just need to loosen up a little."

"I don't think I want to know what you mean by that." Jun narrows his eyes challengingly at Aiba as he feathers his hands up Jun's arms, stopping at his shoulders.

"Close-minded," Aiba teases, his fingers inching downwards a little. "Guess I'll just have to show you what you're missing..."

"Don't you da-" Jun manages, sentence breaking off into an involuntarily screechy giggle when Aiba digs his fingers under Jun's arms, tickling him viciously.

"That's much better!" Aiba beams at him, wedging his hands into Jun's armpits and tickling, digging in his fingers until it was almost painful. Jun screeches, Aiba grinning broadly as he wrestles Jun down to the floor. "Jun looks much happier now."

"I'll kill you," Jun manages between giggles, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. He tries to kick Aiba off of him, but Aiba's legs were pinning his chest down onto the floor while his fingers ravaged Jun's armpits. "That hurts, stop, stop it, ow ow, Masaki, you moron, stoppit."

"Say give." Aiba wriggles until he has Jun firmly pinned down. "Go on."

"Yes, yes, I give!" Jun's stomach aches from laughing, and he shoves Aiba's weight off him as soon as Aiba stops his torture. He rolls onto his side, facing Aiba. "I'll get you for that," he informs Aiba seriously, trying to catch his breath.

Aiba giggles, breathless little chuffs, wiggling closer and wrapping his arms around Jun, hugging him tightly. "Do whatever you want. I made Jun smile again, so that's the most important thing."

Jun swallows hard, closing his eyes and tightening his arms around Aiba, burying his face against Aiba's shoulder. He likes the clean-soft-spicy-warm feel and smell of Aiba, the solidity of his body lined up against Jun's. It feels safe and easy and wonderfully reassuring in a way that Jun hasn't felt in weeks and he clings to it like a lifeline.

Impulsively, Jun nuzzles his nose against the side of Aiba's neck, just under his chin. His skin was warm there, so warm.

"Jun?" Aiba sounds unsure. He pulls back a little and Jun lifted his face from Aiba's shoulder, mind suddenly blanking with panic.

Aiba keeps his grip tight around Jun, only letting Jun move back enough that they can see each other's faces.

Jun bites his lip. Aiba's eyes were steady and patient, curious. "I-", he began, lifting one hand to trace the curve of Aiba's cheek, "Masaki, I - I don't know."

"Don't know what?" Aiba mutters, eyelids dropping like they were suddenly heavy. He rests his forehead against Jun's, their noses almost brushing. Jun tries to suppress a full body shiver, closing his eyes against the heat of Aiba's face against his own, Aiba's breath puffing against Jun's lips.

He can feel arousal gathering in his stomach like a coil of white heat, but he can't stop touching Aiba, shaking fingertips stroking across his temples, his half-closed eyelids, over his lips. Aiba watches him from beneath his eyelashes. Jun doesn't know when Aiba's hands slipped down his back towards his waist, fingers teasing beneath the hem of Jun's shirt, like he was waiting for permission.

Jun drops his hand from Aiba's face, closing his eyes and concentrating on breathing. It's too much, to have Aiba this close, to know that all he has to do is reach out. His heart thuds painfully in his chest and the light scratch of Aiba's fingernails against the small of his back is starting to make him feel a little hysterical.

"Hey," Aiba says softly, bumping Jun's nose with his own. "Matsujun."

Jun shivers, keeping his eyes closed. There's a soft sigh and then, Aiba's lips, warm against his forehead, pressing lightly, lingering. "Jun," he hears Aiba murmur again, into his temple. "Look at me."

Jun opens his eyes. Aiba's eyes are warm and strangely bright. His face has that reckless, excited expression that usually means he wants to go swimming with the sharks or try to test if a custard catapult would be an effective battle weapon.

"Do you think -" Aiba begins, but is interrupted by a series of loud knocks on the door.

Jun rolls away from Aiba's slackened hold and stands up in one smooth motion, and by the time Sho opens the door, he's straightening his shirt.

"Oh, here you are," Sho opens the door wider so Jun can see Ohno and Nino waiting behind him in the hallway. "They're about to start rehearsal, we were looking for you."

Nino's face is carefully blank, but he's watching Jun. Jun tries to avoid looking at him while he fixes his hair. Aiba is still sitting on the floor, looking a bit shell-shocked and decidedly messed-up himself. Jun's cheeks burn when he realizes what it must look like - what it almost was.

"Let's go, okay?" Sho says softly, taking Jun by the elbow. Jun shakes himself out of his thoughts and lets Sho steer him out of the room, wondering not for the first time exactly how much Sho knew.

Part Three

cross-posted to jent_fanfics


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