Tidings from the saltmines

Jul 25, 2011 03:22

1. Working without working

There's not much call for salt these days, it seems. Many days we have to put down our little pickaxes and sit on our fat asses for eight hours because the laws of the land make it too complicated for our dear company to suspend us without pay on short notice.

The more you sit, the less interested in EVER WORKING AGAIN you become.

2. What to do in Salo when you're bored

I've watched X-men First Class over a coworker's shoulder. I've read A Feast For Crows. I've lurked on FYE. I've scrolled through kinkmemes. Sometimes people try to, like, talk to me. Who wants to be social at 2 am? ...forget I asked that. But look, I'm updating my journal. It's a miracle.

3. Speaking of X-men

Michael Fassbender is kind of an uncomfortable person to find fannishly attractive at this point, what with everything. I've made an uneasy peace with this. Everything's political, right. This is probably the very definition of a first world problem.

4. Speaking of X-men speaking

Erik starts out sounding vaguely German with American intonation, makes a pit stop somewhere around RP and then ends up Oirisher than a drunk Colin Farrell by the time they hit Cuba. But what does it all mean? Of course, speaking of accent ~slippage and its odd absence, why do Charles and Raven have such enormously different accents even though they met as children and then grew up together? But let's ignore that and think about Kevin Bacon's attack on German and Russian. ♥


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Yeah. How about that Peter Dinklage, though? Is he or is he not the kickassest? Being unamused on our screens since Living In Oblivion. I was bummed when Threshold was cancelled, but obviously Game Of Thrones is a whole other, tastier ballgame. (Oddly, the characters are superficially similar--is 'smart but horny dwarf' the new 'dwarf in dream sequence'?--although Tyrion Lannister is so much more.)

6. A song of politics and backstabbing

I'm halfway through A Feast For Crows. At this point, too much time is spent on the boring bits (ie all people who are not a) Tyrion b) Arya c) Jon Snow d) Daenerys) and I find myself drifting off while picturing the awesome battle scene where the above quartet of kickass slaughter the undead in a lovely ballet of violence, cgi dragons and pyrotechnics.

7. TV I'm not watching because I'm otherwise occupied

Torchwood. I have not forgiven you, TW. I will NEVER forgive you. But I might watch you at some point, grudgingly and not on TV of course.

True Blood. I just prefer to marathon this. Gulp it down like a REALLY BIG GULP.

Doctor Who. I'll just wait until they finish the season. WTF is up with this longass hiatus?

8. The King of Bertlandia

I just want the music. I just want it now. But I'll take you being lovely with your lovely boyfriend in the meanwhile, I guess.
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