
Aug 29, 2008 04:55

I got my broken tooth fixed, and now that it's no longer half a tooth I'm trying to get used to chewing on that side of the mouth again. It feels all wrong.

I don't know what the music I'm listening to is and I'm too lazy to schlep over to the other computer to look. ...Oh, okay, this one I recognise. Yeah, I'm down with that classic rock now. In between Metro Station songs.

I'm eating plain unpolished rice with nothing else.

Last night I had a dream where I was maybe or maybe not having an affair with Wil Wheaton. Except I kept getting distracted by how I was actually the nanny for his two daughters. Also his house was half finished and his wife kept going, "We've been working on this for TEN FUCKING YEARS! It'll never be finished!" Then later Wil and I were talking about his childhood films, at which point he turned into Elijah Wood and I told him I loved him in The Good Son.

Now I'm supposed to be translating something but as per usual I have no idea what's going on. Of course it's due at ass o'clock in the morning. Which... is not that far from here, actually. I guess I'll just take a little nap or something.
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