fun tiems & moar grate lolz w/ translashuns

Aug 28, 2008 11:33

Because my brain is stupid, I spaced on a deadline a little bit and woke up to a cheerful automated message (we... are... urgently... awaiting... your... translation...). One hour til deadline, 1100 words, no problem! Except I kept getting error messages, and because my brain is stupid and also because it had just woken up, I kept running around like a chicken with no brain at all, turning on computers left and right (we now have, like, too many--gasp!), cursing out Vista (as per usual), cursing out those incompetent nincompoops who can't give me proper instructions and keep sending the wrong files (nothing new there), all while battling this magnificient sinus headache that felt like somebody had punched me in the face. Finally we came up with a solution by accident, since I didn't know rtf files don't allow macros and Cim didn't know macros were what I was trying to run. But our brains somehow combined and became greater than the sleepy, sinusyheadachey sum of their parts, and la! All done, and only an hour and twenty minutes late.

In way better news, I have myself two days of paid leave (because I worked in the hours a few weeks ago) which combines with the weekend to give me four full days of fun tiems with translashuns, and maybe some other stuff too.

Excuse me, now I have three hours to translate a trading company annual report into English. WHAT.
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