So back in my pre-LJ days, I had a bunch of these little
fanlisting buttons on my Xanga blog; it was fun! Those days are long gone, but after cleaning out my Photobucket I found them! I don't really want a bunch of these clogging up my profile, but I like to use them to show what my favorite pairings and fandoms are. So, without further ado...
Blood is Thicker
Enemies... Right?
Something More
I got all of these codes from their respective
fanlistings which I am entirely too lazy to link back too. I'm not evening joining, just taking the codes :) There were a few I made real quick just to have the buttons. The Bella/Edward, Bryan/Kim, Edward/Peggy, Jane/Tarzan, Lucius/Ivy, Jack/Riddick, Luna/Ron, Pepper/Tony, Lan/Nynaeve, Mary/Marshall, Garrett/Kate, Claire/Jack, Penny/Sheldon, Dexter/Lumen, Bill/Jessica, & Rogue/Scott buttons are mine. But I'll share, if anybody wants them.