
Jul 20, 2008 14:11

Snagged from somewhere-that-I-don't-remember. I'm so funny (funny-weird).
This is how I ship.
Including my favorite ships from Firefly, X-Men, Lost, Harry Potter, Alias, Heroes, X-Files, and... Arrested Development?? (Okay, not so much.)

Six Ships I Like:
1. River/Jayne (Firefly)
2. Rogue/Gambit (X-Men)
3. Claire/Sawyer (Lost)
4. Hermione/Viktor (Harry Potter)
5. Sydney/Julian (Alias)
6. Marcus/Alicia (Harry Potter)
Three Ships I've Abandoned:
7. Peter/Claire (Heroes)
8. Kate/Jack (Lost)
9. Hermione/Draco (Harry Potter)

Three Ships I've Never Liked:
10. Hermione/Harry (Harry Potter)
11. Mal/Inara (Firefly)
12. Shadowcat/Iceman (X-Men)

Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13. George/Pansy (Harry Potter)
14. Mulder/Scully (X-Files)
1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Mal/Inara) I don't absolutely hate them, but Inara annoys me so very much. I just think Mal can do so much better.
2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (George/Pansy) I don't know. I've written a one-shot about them and I really liked it. I'm planning on writing more later.
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Claire/Sawyer) First, find/resuce/unbrainwash/kidnap/whatever Claire. Second, fall madly in love. Third, get Aaron back from that backstabbing, baby-stealer. Fourth, return to craphole island and live happily ever after. Fifth, name next child Charlie.
4. Which is your favorite episode for #1? (River/Jayne) "Ariel" I love the scene in the hospital where he's holding her in the wheelchair. *girlish squee* And then he turns bad, but then he saves them all, cause he really is a good guy.
5. How long have you been following couple #6? Like not long at all, again I wrote a story and kinda fell in love with the two of them. Will write more.
6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Kate/Jack) I held out for Kate for a long time, but stealing Aaron = not nice. She's mostly a jerk. Pick Sawyer or Jack already, these poor guys don't need you tormenting them like this. Then Jack was mean to Hurley in the hospital, so I'm mad at him now too.
7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 (Rogue/Gambit) or #4? (Hermion/Viktor)? Rogue/Gabmit = OTP all the way. I've loved them since the TV show in the 90s that I watched as a wee little girl. Always.
8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 (Hermione/Harry) or #12 (Shadowcat/Iceman). Hermione/Harry just don't work in my opinion, I've yet to read anything that makes me like them together. Now, I'm not an Iceman/Rogue fan, but Shadowcat = backstabbing, boy-stealer and that's just wrong. Iceman/Shadowcat is canon (in the movies) so I guess I'd make Hermione/Harry leave fandom forever.
9. What interests you about #14? (Mulder/Scully) I actually haven't read anything about them yet. I was too young to watch the show much as a kid, but I knew they were meant to be together, I mean, duh. I loved them in the movie and can't wait for the next one. In the mean time, I'm going to try and find some episodes to watch.
10. When did you stop liking #7? (Peter/Claire) They were so cute and then they were related. Game over. :(
11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Hermione/Draco) Book? No, they were always interesting as enemies. But I just got sick and tired of them as a fandom couple. Cliche much? There's only a few stories that I can really appreciate them in. (Nevermind Hermione/Snape anymore!)
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Sydney/Julian) No idea. Some Elvis maybe? Fun, dangerous, enemies.
13. Which of these ships do you love the most? Rogue/Gambit 4evuh!
14. Which do you dislike the most? Shadowcat/Iceman?? They make me angry. I havn't recovered since.
15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows) River/Jayne and Claire/Saywer - Tough guys could talk about guns and River and Claire could talk about whatever randomness popped into River's head. I think Claire would handle it well.
16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Rogue/Gambit) Yes, and she sucked out all his power and almost killed him. But he loves her sooooo much, he doesn't even care!
17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Hermione/Viktor) In the books, no. I just think they're so cute together.
18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Mulder/Scully) I do ship them, but to do anything about it, I need to watch more of them.
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 (Rogue/Gambit) or #6 (Marcus/Alicia) Broken record, but Rogue/Gambit all the way.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Hermione/Harry) Well nothing happens in the book, so they're fine there. Honestly, I see fiction/art with them and I just get really confused. I see no connection between them (other than life-sacrificing friendship, that is).

"One True Pairing" Ship: Gambit/Rogue (X-Men)
"One True Threesome" Ship: Wolverine/Rogue/Cyclops (X-Men) 
"One True Foursome" Ship: Hurley/Sawyer/Charlie/Jin  (Lost) ((platonic, of couse)
"Canon" Ship: Sydney/Michael (Alias)
"Not quite canon but should be" Ship: River/Jayne (Firefly)
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Hiro/Niki (Heroes) ((because that would be way odd))
"You are one sick bastard" Ship: (Snape/anyone but Lily)
"I'm one sick bastard" Ship: George Michael/Maeby (Arrested Devleopment) ((okay, not really))
"I dabble a little" 'Ship: George/Pansy (Harry Potter)
"It's like a car crash" Ship: Marcus/Alicia (Harry Potter)
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet" Ship: Luna/Ron (Harry Potter)
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not" Ship: Syndey/Marshall (Alias)
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: Hermione/Draco (Harry Potter)
"When all is said and done" Ship: Claire/Sawyer (Lost)
"Guilty Pleasure" ship: Sydney/Julian (Alias)
"I can't believe I read it and liked it" Ship: Marcus/Pansy (Harry Potter)
"Favorite "Older/Younger" ship: River/Jayne (Firefly)
"My first I could never abandon you" Ship: Gambit/Rogue (X-Men) 
"Favorite Devotion" Ship: Snape/Lily (Harry Potter)
"Favorite Nevermet" Ship: Takezo Kensei/Adam Monroe & me (Heroes) ((hee))
"Favorite 'Awwww!'" Ship: Charlie/Claire (Lost)
"Favorite dominance!battle" Ship: Peter/Elle (Heroes) 
"Favorite Pervy" Ship: ....wouldn't you like to know, in fact, so would I

❝harry/hermione, ✒ fandom: hp, ❝jayne/river, ❝hermione/viktor, ❝claire/peter, ✍ fic: shipper, ❝michael/sydney, ❝george/pansy, ❝claire/sawyer, ❝alicia/marcus, ❝luna/ron, meme, ❝draco/hermione, ❝marshall/sydney, ❝marcus/pansy, ❝iceman/shadowcat, ❝elle/peter, ❝mulder/scully, ❝jack/kate, ✍ fic!, ❝inara/mal, ❝julian/sydney, ❝gambit/rogue, ❝cyclops/rogue/wolverine

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