Oct 23, 2006 17:44
I'm at Melissas, she's with her boyfriend, and Luke in the other room doing their homework, which makes me think of my GED studying, which makes me wanna puke. So I'm in here writing about it instead. Apparently, I will not stop writing in LiveJournal, because it'll go on forever instead. so for updates in the life of Will, I can't remember anything because I'm hidumbgh...Let's see what happened yesterday? I found my old clothes from highschool, and did my makeup, and returned to my freaky self once and again. Forever and always. I saw Sydney? Oh yea, we picked up Sydney in my car, YES MY CAR, and got Chinese foooood. Drove home. Smoked. Ate it. Watched South Park, which is fucking the best thing on telivision. And she left and went with Colin, and left me a nug, thank you. And I hung out with Kevin, some hot guy, Veronica, and her friend for like five seconds, cuz she had a cat she wanted me to take in for the night, which didn't end up staying. We went to Molino parka and smoked some bowls, and then I went home. OMG MELISSA IS FUCKING BREAKING DOWN ON MY SHOULDER AS I WRITE THIS WITH NO END. She ended. Anyways, then Julia calls and invites me to a concert, which was beautiful. And then Melissa invited me to fucking Tahoe today, so I'm excited about that too. And the world is filled with good news. Melissa is doing some sort of panting all over my neck as she pokes my pressure points in plans of my ultimate demise, and now she's going pee or to rape Michael. So I have a lot of good things suddenly. Nightmare before Xmas 3D Wednsday, Goth concert Sunday, Halloween with my brother, Hopefully a rave, Mexico with my sister, My 18th birthday, Fucking Tahoe, Going to COM, BabyJaneOrgasmtwiceoverbestseatsinthehousecuzigotthemfromherfanclubbabyjane.com,i'msofuckingexcitedomgimonecstacysuddenly. And the new Zelda, and more things, and Thailand where I get to be a saint for like two weeks to make up for the 17 years of not being so saintly. Umyea. I have so much news. But also I have essays, and 7 hour tests, and makeup work, and a presentation coming up, and another final essay. And tests to get in schoooool. And lots of effort on other things. And taking 2000 hours of driving tests. And applying for a job....and looking for someone to bone...bone me, whatever. The hot guy in the car last night made me sorta nervous, but like, in a good way. Anyways, he lives a million lightyears away. I'msoexcitednandyetsostressed.
I need someone to study with.
Maybe if Kelly would stop overdosing
on synthetic Heroin like a fuckin' dumbass,
and leave her Cracked out Cody in the Crackhouse,
then maybe she could buckle down with me
and get to work, and we could make college
life a little easier. Cuz lightling blunts,
an poppin' caps, and being spirited away,
while doped up on a patch ain't workin
ladies and gentlemen.
Today I ordered a milkshake from the cafe, expecting a vanilla one
with whipped cream, and instead it tasted like shitty warm milk whipped
with nasty white(cocaine)powder pretending to be vanilla warped in there.
It was waaaay too carebear sweet, and I got a tart tart lemonade to
calm the perky violence done to my tongue. And I bought a black journal
so I can be gay, and write appointments, and be narcisisstic, and emo.
Some lady at Tower records (where I bought the journal), asked me today
if I were emo or goth. Is that what we've come down to? Do we really
aske each other such questions. Well lady are you prep? Are you black?
Are you a dyke? Are you dumb...Who actually talks like that. Anyways,
I laughed, for with elements of both, I truly am neither. And the bitch
got angry that I didn't answer her with one or the other, I said I
simply prefered not to be labeled, and that made her switch a flip.
Whatever Tower Records is closing.
It's kinda sad, huh? I mean, now with the internet being used all the time
to download music, no one really has to get in their car, spend gas and time
to go to a record shop, make a public appearance, actually use your body to
navigate, and look through the CDs one by one to pick out what looks good,
because we can click a button naked in bed (that's how I do it anyways.)
But soon, if Tower Records, which has been one of the major businesses in
the world for selling records, goes out of business, will other major
record companies, like Virgin go out of business? Cuz then you wouldn't
be able to get CDs unless you found a "vintage" store, or purchased off
of the internet, which you would need a computer, which some people are
highly against because the goverment is watching you. And reading your
entries. And looking at your camera phone. And Listening to your phone call.
And looking at you from Satelites, so you decide to be a hippie, and go
against the grain of our 21st century, and not get a computer, you would
have no fucking way to own any music at all, which would make your
rebellious life quite a bore. That would suck.
Anyways, I gotta go, cuz I have to go home,
cuz Melissa's dad is kicking me out, but
that's ok cuz I have a mountain of studying
to do.
Nightmare before Xmas, Wednsday.
Metreon, city. BRING MONEY.