Snowflake Challenge - Day 13

Jan 14, 2013 16:10

Well this is an easy one for

In your own space, ask for recs. Something as simple as "I like XYZ (where XYZ is a kink, a pairing, a trope, etc) - please rec me some." Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

LotR slash, I lost a bunch of bookmarks recently and would love any recs. RPF or character fic (what is that called...just fic?) this is the one fandom that I am not fussy about lol

Also The Hobbit fanfic. I've not been able to find much? Then again, I haven't looked on AO3 because I didn't think of it until right this second...

The Avengers - Hawkeye/anyone but Coulson. I've read a few fics that don't involve the Coulson pairing and would like some more, they seem few and far between :(

Art, fanfic, podfic, videos. I'll take anything :D

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online: snowflake challenge

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