Since I uploaded my brand spanking new Theme de Dean, I thought I'd also upload my Season Three Sam Winchester Theme. Namely "The Method" by
TV on the Radio.
Unlike Fleet Foxes, this song is not epic or heroic, but I think the weird whimsical combination of whistling with an alternately funeral and militant beat give Sam's intense but increasingly off kilter vibe. Plus for all the bass pushed in the song, in the end the whole affair wraps up with lonely whistling. And the lyrics are crying about strength, naivete, and being really freaking lost no matter one's determination...
Well to me, that spells OCD Desperate Brother Lovin' Sam Winchester. I've had this song for a while so I'm not as over the top in love with it as I am with my shiny new Fleet Foxes. All the same, awesome awesome song, and I would love to see someone vid it (just like with the previous musical suggestion). Give it a listen!
Download via sendspace here. On a slightly related note, I think it's interesting how I associate the epic or heroic music with Dean but not Sam. I think in part it's about the strange construction of the story thus far. I mean, for all Sam's "specialness" we've seen very little of it evidenced, and as much as people talk about his unique and special destiny, very little has actually played out. The kicker is that it's seemingly by very pointed personal choice!
It's as if, because Dean is "regular" he can only be good by whole heartedly pursuing a grand and tragic destiny, whilst because Sam is "special" he can only be good (according to his father and his brother) by repressing himself and avoiding any trace of a unique or extraordinary identity.
That is pretty fucked up, so I can only hope that they deal with it in Season Four.
Man, and to bring it to the next level (inevitably feminist) some would call Sam "the girl" (or at least he's frequently portrayed that way in fanon). Oh Samantha, what have the men in your life been telling you?