Jan 05, 2009 15:30
have not posted for 4 weeks, where does the time go. anyway, am not dead yet.
currently cat-sitting Saffran, the orange tom of my two dancer (opera) friends, who are holidaying abroad at their respective families in Spain and Holland....as usual when he visits, he spent the first 24 hours under the sofa, and the next 12 fleeing from the sight of my two cats, both of whom, together, weigh half of what he does....a real wimp!
then after he emerged, we had problems with the litter boxes that I have scattered about my flat...he wouldnt use them...he said THEY said he mustn't, though they said that they only said that on the FIRST day and were only JOKING. But he still wouldnt use the voxes since they LOOK at him while he was trying to go about his business....so he kept crapping in the kitchen...in surprisingly close proximity to where he ate and where he was sleeping...and surprisingly malodourous too, I am afraid...anyway, I moved one litter box into a secluded corner of the bathroom and when he tries to use it, i have to go over to make sure no one looks at him...sigh...
aside from that, my new bass is a kick, as is the multieffect pedal....after a two week hiatus was working out this morning...quite happy, as the usual christmas/my birthday/new years gluttony + no working out only added about a kilo and a half to my weight, which is good for me and easily removed
reading, amongst others weir's biorgraphy of q. liza the first, which is mostly about the queen's flirts and marriage contracts, and surprisingly little about anything else she did during in time in power...Scholem's biorgraphy of Sabbatai Sevi, a false Messiah of the 17th century (900 pages! even if the first 200 were a recapulation of S.'s work on Luriac Kabbalahism, i didnt realise there was that much source material....), and this that and the other...started Proust, and like most post-Hugo French writers, find him seriously short of plot...quite unlike the Great Russians, Dost, Tol, Turg, Gogol, Pushkin, they all could tell stories as well as characterise, but the French writers, Stendhal, Balzac, Zola, Proust, Flaubert, Robbe-Grille, I just cant get into...