(no subject)

Oct 20, 2011 11:26

Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns
Slight RageQuit because of Pierre. Bastard.

Legend of Dragoon
ZOMGBBQ! I love this game so much! Currently working on additions for Dart, Lavitz and Rose. Rod Typhoon is a total bitch to hit. Much love at the game though. Making my way to Lohan to continue the story, so I can get to a place where I can train properly.

I've read that it's gonna come out on the PSN in Japan in December. So I'm really hoping it will come out on the PSN for America too. I can still play the game, my disc still work and all but Legend of Dragoon has a special place for me. It was the first game I ever bought, not the first I beat though.

Super proud of Snow.

Working on making a Portal page thingy for my character studies, it'll be easier if they are in the same general directory. I also joined Continuum with Niflheim (and updated a little bit here and there).

harvest moon, legend of dragoon, websites, snow

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