Oct 19, 2011 11:05

Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns
I should have won the main dish cooking contest. I got THREE hearts! The other team only got TWO. I fucking hate you Pierre.

Web Sites
I deleted Rupee. I wasn't doing anything with it. I also deleted my portfolio that I had to make for school and another thing that my mum was using for a guild in WoW. It was taking up space and I didn't want it anymore. Don't worry crew, all your sites are safe from me, I won't delete them unless you tell me to do so.

Snow made me a banner for Gentle Baker and I was able to make a new layout for it. Which I am fond of. She also helped me with the colors. So I will be working on that more. The layout for Blazing Dynamo is also finished. So those two sites will eventually be up, I want to get some of the pages done before I put them online. I think they will be up before November. That's something to look forward to, ya?

I sent you an email. I was gonna post it up here but somehow when I got it all typed up it seems a little inappropriate to have it here.

Legend of Dragoon
I started playing this last night. I couldn't remember a lot of it, which is weird.

harvest moon, web sites, legend of dragoon, mum, mikari, snow

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