They are so, so married

Sep 11, 2010 01:44

This is being reprinted TOTALLY out of context, but it made me happy when I typed it, so maybe it will make you happy, too. :D

waterofthemoon says (12:05 AM):
please, John and Rodney fell in love when John sat in the control chair in Antarctica and Rodney said, "think about where we are in the solar system." John was bewildered, Rodney was wearing that orange fleece thing.
brynspikess says (12:05 AM):
Yeah, but they didn't SAY it.
They just KNEW
waterofthemoon says (12:05 AM):
they said it with their eyes :D
brynspikess says (12:05 AM):
Whole different ball of wax

McSheeeeeppppppppp. I LOVE THEM. ♥♥♥♥♥

In other news, I had a job interview this morning that seemed like it went pretty well! Since I didn't find out today, it'll be Monday before I hear anything. Fingers crossed!

tv: stargate, shipping: john/rodney, friends: chat, personal: job searching

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