From Twitter 09-10-2010

Sep 10, 2010 22:02

  • 01:23:48: even though I sadly cannot be in attendance this year, I am SO UTTERLY PLEASED with my @ wincon messenger bag and button. WHEEEEEEEE.
  • 15:34:22: interview went really positively, I think! I should find out something either today or Monday. cross your fingers!
  • 19:43:53: just watched the #vampirediaries premiere. HOLY JESUS CRAP, Y'ALL. hands over my mouth for the entire last 5 mins. also, Daaaaaaaaaamon. :(
  • 23:47:45: SUPER productive day.had interview, ran dishwasher&folded laundry like a motherfing ADULT, walked dog, burned discs. do I get my trophy now?
  • 23:53:46: @ clex_monkie89 *wibbles* clean ALL the things? :(

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