Other things I need to pimp!

Jul 08, 2010 04:15

OKAY, GUYS. YOU SHOULD JOIN spnland BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST LAND AROUND. LIKE, FOR REAL. Okay, so we haven't yet declared ourselves an independent, polygamous state, but we're still pretty cool, and sometimes, we have team orgies in the comments. To boost morale. *cough* Plus, AWESOME challenges every week.

Banner by raths_kitten!

The new apocalypse just started, so there's still tons of time to get involved. Check it out, and if you decide to join, go here to get sorted, and tell them waterofthemoon from the amazing and apocalypse-winning Team Hunter sent you! *\o/*


There is also a threesome exchange happening at spnthreesome! I swear, this is the last thing I'm signing up for until holiday exchanges. *facepalm* And it's being run by our lovely Team Hunter mods, cherie_morte and wutendeskind, so I pretty much have a sworn duty to pimp it. :D

Banner by familiardevil!

SPN and RPF, fic/art due in mid-October, signups from now until August 1! DO IT. THE WORLD NEEDS MORE AWESOME THREESOME/MORESOME FIC AND ART, Y? Y.

tv: supernatural, fandom: spnland, recs: fandom, friends: chat

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