Books and copyright! (but not together)

Jul 08, 2010 03:59

So I now have a LibraryThing! Right now, it's just the books I have up in Bellingham (which is, um, more than I thought), but you can go and check that out and add me if you have one and stuff. YAY BOOKS. :D

And this is my signal boosting on sophie_448's post on her recent experience with Zazzle and copyright infringement claims. It's not even about this specific case--it's about the fact that the WB is apparently claiming fannish vocabulary they did not create as their intellectual property, and this is not okay. In fandom, we're often on tenuous copyright ground at best, even given the SPN creative team's blanket approval of fic; however, I think the case is pretty clearly on our side here, and I wish I could do more to fight this, if fighting is what's needed. Lacking the time, resources, and know-how, though, the best I can do is help get the word out. Tell your friends! Damn the man!

Oh, and I FINALLY finished American Gods last week! :D Despite not wanting it to end, I am incredibly satisfied with that ending. It's such a rich, detailed, intelligent, gorgeous book, and I absolutely fell in love with Shadow. If anyone's interested, I'm hoping to get a few minutes soon to compile my #1b1t tweets and maybe add some more commentary where needed. \o/

fandom: meta, tv: supernatural, people: neil gaiman, books: misc, friends: chat

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