A few things...

Sep 12, 2006 23:26

So apparently I'm going to see Massive Attack this weekend. This means I am benefitting from a friend's drama, unfortunately, but hey! I get to go see Massive Attack! :D

Anyone who has any of their music in digital format, SendSpace or YSI it to me? I have, like, three of their songs on my computer, and one of those is "Teardrop," which doesn't really count since it's the House theme, lol. Sigh... so little time, so much good music to steal. :P

On the subject of music, I don't like iTunes 7. It feels like a regression in design (wtf is with the hideous GRAY sidebar?), and most of the new "features" are entirely unhelpful to me. Plus, I had to redo all of my carefully calibrated settings. You know what I always say, though... if it ain't broke....

Guys, don't hurt the stingrays. Seriously. It's not their fault. *rolls eyes at humanity*

I need to be studying like mad for my ancient culture quiz tomorrow. Instead, all I want to do is watch Supernatural and go to sleep. Is it the weekend again yet?

And also, GIP. <3

friends: general, misc: random, school: misc, news: misc, tv: supernatural, tv: stargate, art: icons, share: music

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