Yay, distractions...

Aug 28, 2006 20:57

It rained here yesterday and today. The apocalypse must be nigh. XD

For those who are wondering wtf is up and why I can't ever get my shit together, I have part of my account of The Situation written. It's just becoming way way longer than I thought it would, and I have to do homework tonight and get up at the asscrack of dawn tomorrow. In the meantime, have something a bit more lighthearted.

Okay, so jaxie926 gave me this idea, and then I saw that musesfool posted hers, so here's mine. Since I keep talking about how much TV I'm watching now, and since I'm sure everyone is just absolutely DYING to know, here's the schedule of Stuff I Plan To Watch This Fall. Obviously, the VCR will be my friend, although I may drop some of them, especially the new ones if they suck. (And wheee, gratuitous comma abuse!)

Sara's Fall 2006 TV Schedule!
(because I am sad and lame and have no life at all, ahahaha)

Color code: FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, CW, Sci-Fi
(blah)=premiere date; *=new show

7:00 pm8:00 pm9:00 pmSundayThe Amazing Race
(September 17)  Monday Heroes*
(September 25)Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip*
(September 18)TuesdayHouse, M.D.
(September 5)Veronica Mars
(October 3) Wednesday Lost
(October 4) ThursdaySmallville
(September 28)Supernatural
(September 28)Shark*
(September 21)Friday  Stargate Atlantis
(already started)

So there's that, and tonight I finally watched the Supernatural pilot to make sure I would like the actual show as much as I like what I've seen of the characters from the SPN fans on my flist. (Btw, you guys are all fired for getting me hooked on another show before I'd even seen it, and please to be linking more SPN things kthx. XD) Needless to say, I was not disappointed... oh, boys. *impatiently awaits DVD release next week*

Oh! And for those who watch Prison Break, when they showed the dude at the school tonight? (No, I'm NOT cutting that for spoilers. Deal.) That was my campus with the pretty Georgian architecture that looks good on camera. :D Yes, the grass really is that preternaturally green all the time.

Okay. Um. Time to go do homework and go to sleep. Later!

tv: supernatural, fandom: general, tv: misc

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