Feel my righteous wrath...

Aug 24, 2006 16:50

Still frustrated with the lazy, useless campus post office that won't help feed my Netflix addiction. They're in there! I know they are! The site says they shipped! I wonder if they're actually behind, or if they've accidentally misshelved my pickup cards in another box? Unless the postal service lost them somewhere, even though a) they were arriving on different days and b) they didn't lose a single one all last year and all summer. If I find out someone else has walked away with my VMars, I'm going to be pissed.

Also, Thunderbird has broken and is refusing to download my SMU e-mail. I can send e-mail, but not receive it. I haven't done anything that could suddenly cause a conflict, and updating to the latest version didn't fix it. (Yes, I've restarted. Multiple times.) I am displeased at having to resort to the webmail interface after using superior software for so long.

Oh, and I don't yet know if I still have a job. Even though I've done the same work study for the past two years and have been excellent at it, thankyouverymuch, The New Management told me when I asked yesterday that they're going to be "sending out applications." Should I bother reapplying, since I now know she knows it's my job and doesn't particularly seem to care, or should I seek alternate employment for my last year? I hear the Chaplain's Office is hiring....

Yay, time to go hang out with the pagans for a while. Later!

misc: random, personal: work, personal: religion, school: misc

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