Title: Heaven's Light / Hellfire
Characters: Holy Roman Empire, Prussia (Young)
Notes: ... I was listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame's
Heaven's Light/Hellfire for about two days straight and finally resolved to do something about my temporary obsession with the contrasts of Quasimodo's song with Frollo's. Please note that Quasimodo's song is less descriptive and shorter than Frollo's song.
The moon shined down from the open rafters, and laid its light on the table unmoving. I reached out to touch it, wondering if it would run away like all the others had. It stayed, much to my relief, and so I let my hand open and close on it, capturing and releasing the light. Smiling, I took away my hand and placed a book on the table instead. I turned its leather cover and leafed through the yellowing pages, looking for the spot I had marked. When found, I smoothed the dog-eared page out and read the words lit by the moonlight. Or I tried to. The ink was smudged from the rain the other day, and despite my years of reading I couldn't figure out what it said. Frustrated, I set the book back down in its place and retrived instead a painting. The oil-pastel angel seemed to move and smile at me. I stroked her cheek, a tear plopping onto the floor. My angel, my dear sweet love, I miss you. I spoke these words quietly, for her ears only. The girl smiled. I pulled a chair from the shadows and sat down in it, scooting as close to the table as comfortable. I laid my head down propped up on my arm, smiling at the young girl in the painting.
Soon, I told her, soon I will be home for you.
I reached for another branch and threw it into the dying fire, poking it with a dampened stick to restart the flames. With time, the fire grew larger. I grinned and took a piece of meat from my pack, sticking it onto the stick and lifting it over the fire. It wasn't the most refined way to cook food, but it worked! The flames reached up and licked the meat, tasting it and licking it as juices seeped from the puncture wound made by the stick and sizzled into the source of the heat. I put the stick between my knees to keep it held just above the fire and stretched back, watching the clouds pass lazily over the starry sky. They made shapes, and then those shapes made a person. A young girl. The wind shaped her smooth face, her wispy hair, her beautiful form, and most importantly the naive smile on her lips. I smiled too, watching as she blew a kiss at me. The heat seemed to seep through my clothing and the air became stuffy, like the world had turned hot. My stomach did a backflip as I remembered her smile, the kiss she left on my cheek before I left her, the way she spoke kindly to me while I was helping her with her work. She would be mine, I decided, no matter what. Let your knight protect you, I spoke as she flew across the sky slowly. Let your knight protect you and the only payment will be you. I pulled the meat out of the fire as I realized the smell I had been smelling wasn't her, it was the food burning. At least it was still edible. I glanced up again, grinning michiviously as the wind formed horns on her head.
Let your knight purify you, my lady, and he will protect you as if you were his.