Title: Morning
Characters: Flynn Scifo, Yuri Lowell
Notes: ... Modern AU. I can't help but like writing these two in this kind of situation, it's kind of strange.
Morning was Flynn’s favorite time of the day. He got up, made coffee, and now stood at Yuri’s open doorway with a cup of straight black in his hands. The only light in the room was the sun barely shining through the old curtains Flynn had bought when Yuri complained once of waking up to the sun burning his eyes, and that was sleepy dimness he found he loved so much. His friend shifted under the covers and stretched slightly, curling back up with a content sigh. With an amused smile, Flynn entered and stood between the bed and the window, uncovering the latter with the flick of his wrist. Sweet sunlight poured in like honey and Yuri gave a groan, squeezing his eyes shut and grumbling softly at the new invasion. When he tugged the blanket over his head, Flynn rolled his eyes and leaned down, peeking under the blanket,
“Hey,” he said softly, his smile widening when Yuri just gave him a sleepy blink and curled deeper into the blankets. Flynn gave him a little shove and Yuri twisted away, like a little caterpillar in its cocoon.
“Five minutes, Flynn.”
No way. Flynn stood and, after setting the cup quietly onto the windowsill, unceremoniously pulled the blanket off. Or he would’ve, if Yuri hadn’t been clinging desperately to the part that covered his head. The sleepyhead kicked at Flynn tiredly and he let go, letting the blanket settle over the bed once more. Flynn rolled his eyes and climbed onto the bed, hovering slightly over Yuri. Tugging at the blanket once more, he freed it from the other’s grasp and smiled brightly at the glaring man.
“Good morning, Yuri.”
Flynn didn’t resist as he was pulled down next to Yuri, who stretched and slung an arm around his shoulder.
“Stop getting up so early. You need sleep too.”
“I made coffee for you.”
Silence. Then, “Is it your girly foam drink or the good stuff?”
“Black, just how you like it.”
Yuri made a show of getting up achingly slow, crawling over Flynn and taking the cup off of the windowsill, taking a quick sip before sitting back on his ankles with it in his hands.
“Not bad.”
They stayed like that for a moment, Flynn watching Yuri with an expression he couldn’t quite read and Yuri returning it. Feeling suddenly out of place, the dark-haired man pushed the cup his friend’s way and laid back down when it was taken from him. Flynn suddenly reached out with his free hand and brush some hair of out Yuri’s face, smiling apologetically.
“Sorry, it was bothering me.”
Yuri shot an amused smirk at him, but closed his eyes and pretended he didn’t notice the fingers that were softly threading through his hair now. “You just wanted to touch me.” Caught. Almost at once they stilled and Yuri grinned, knowing without opening his eyes that Flynn was flushing red; it was in his voice.
“You looked peaceful, that’s all. I thought it might wake you up more.” Yuri peeked open an eye and stared with slight disbelief.
“Seriously? That’s more likely to make me go back to sleep.”
Flynn looked thoughtfully at Yuri for a moment, before stroking his fingers through the dark hair again, untangling the knots as he went. He paused when Yuri unceremoniously moved his head from the bed onto Flynn’s lap, but continued when the other closed his eyes once more. After a while, Yuri’s breathing evened out and the man was fast asleep. At that, the blond couldn’t help but smile as he moved carefully to grab the coffee from the windowsill, making a face at the bitter tang on his tongue.
Maybe morning could wait just a little longer.